I am posting my updated
seed list. I am looking for Dahlias, Sunset Black-eyed Susan, Cannas and Black Dragon Coleus. I hope you can find something on my list you wouldlike to have. I have entirely too many
Do you actually have all those plants
growing ?
African Daisy
African Lillie
Alamo Fire
Alstroemeria Jazz
Alyssum purple
A lyssum Snow Crystals
Aster Early Charm
Babys Breath Gypsohia muralis
Bachelors Button Choice mixture
Bee Balm Lemon monarda
Bee Balm purple
Bellflower Alba Campanula glomerata
Birds Eye tricolor
Blackeyed Susan
flowerBlazing Star Liatris spicata
Blue Mist
Borage Borago officinalis
Bunny Tail grass
Butterfly Bush - mixed
Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidi
Candytuft Tall Ideris umbellate
Canterbury Bells Campanilla de Canterbury
Cathchfly Silene ameria
Celosia Flamingo Purple
Chinese forget me nots
Clematis light blue
Cleome pink
Cleome white
Coleus – rainbow mix
Columbine Barlow double mix
Columbine mixed
Coneflower – Prairie
Coneflower purple
Coneflower white
Coral Bells - Chocolate Mint
Coral Bells – Purple Palace Heuchera
Coral Bells -Georgia Peach
Coreopsis Coreopsis tinctoria
Cosmos – Bright Lights
Cosmos Sensation Picottee
Crazy Shasta Daisy
Daisy Pyretrum
Datura - Purple Double bloom
Datura metel purple and white
Datura thornless
Dusty Miller
Dwarf Cavendish Banana -
Dynastar Vanilla Ice
Easteregg Plant
Eldeberry - wild
Elephant Head Amaranth
English Daisy – tasso mix Bellis perennis
Ethiopian Banana - Musa ensete
Evening Primrose Charkia
-Ficus decora
flower of Peru
Flowerfly Nicotana alata
Flowering Banana - Mosa roseacea
Flying carpet Zinnia haageana
Fringed Bleeding Heart -Dicentra eximia
Gazania Treasure
Giant purple Draceana Cordyline Australis purpurea
Globe Amaranth mix
Globe thistle Echinos ritro
Gloriosa Daisy rudbeckia hirta
flower Helenium autumnale
Hens and Chicks Sempervivum tectorum
Hollyhock yellow Alcea rosea
Hollyhock Alcea rosea
Hollyhock Alcea rosea Nigra
Hollyhock Fordhook Alcea rosea
Hollyhock pioneer mix - Alcea ficififolia
Hollyhock -Summer Carnival Alcea rosea
Hollyhocks Blackjet
Hosta American crosses
Hosta Gold Abiqua Ariel
Hosta Mixed hybrid
Hosta mixed hybrids
Kale Russian Red
Lambs Ear
Larkspur giant imperial mix Consilida ambigua
Lavender English
Lavender Lady Lavendula angusfiolia
Lavender Lavendula officinalis
Lillliyturf Liriope muscari Big Blue
lily of the Valley
Love in a Mist – Persian Jewels
Love Lies Bleeding Amaranthus caudatus
Lupine red
Maltese Cross
Marigold Snowball hybrid
Mexican Fan Palm
Millet – ornamental
Morning Glory Grandpa Ott
Morning glory white
Moses in a Cradle
Mugwort Artemisia mulgaris
Musa paradisiacal
Oregano Origanum vulgare
Ornamental Cabbage
Ornamental Kale
Petunia Magic Carpet Hybrid mix
Pitcher plant ‘White Top’
Pompom Lilliput mix Zinnia elegans
Poppy California Sunset mix
Poppy Shirley double Mix Papaver rhoeas
Pulmes and Pods mix
Purple Coneflower
Red Veined Dock Rumex sanguineus
Rubber Tree Plant
Rudbeckia Goldstrum
Salvia bonfire
Salvia Red Sage
Scarlet Banana - Musa coccinea
Sedum Hardy Blend
Shasta daisy
Snapgragon tall mix boca de dragon
Snow in Summer Cerastium tomentosum
Snow on the mountain Euphorbia marginata
flower pink/purple
Striped Banana - Musa zebrine
Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea royal mixture Lathyrus odaratus
Sweet pea Sunshine Deep
roseSweet William – dwarf Dianthus barbatus Nana
Texas Bluebonnet Lupinus texensis
Thyme Thymus vulgaris
Velvet Banana - Musa velutina
Zebrina High Mallow Malva sylvestris