I have 2 Pleiospilos nelii, one is regular green, the other is purplish, a variety called "royal flush".
They seem to be doing ok, but i'm puzzled about watering. I heard that while the new leaves are
growing, you are not supposed to water, as the new leaves will suck the liquid out of the old leaves, and watering at this time could kill the plant from rot.
I got my plants in November, it's been almost 5 months of no watering, and plenty of sun and artificial light. The new leaves have doubled in size, the old leaves have "deflated" a little and had gotten a bit squishy rather than very firm when I first bought them. But you would think the old leaves should be almost dried up by now?
Look at the bottom pic, when do I water when the new leaves are still so small and old leaves still alive?