I bought 2 varieties of tomatoes this year; one that I can't find in my local stores. Unfortunately, I just received the plants this week and 4 of 6 of them were dead on arrival and a 5th one is dead as of this morning. I contacted the place I bought it from, which is a big name
seed company, and they did say they would send out replacements. The problem is, the plants appeared to have been healthy when they packed them and they were packed well and should have lasted if the place was using 2 day or even 4 day shipping. But they won't ship them that fast....this batch took 9 days from the day they shipped them for me to receive them. I asked if when they ship the replacements, could they do 2 day shipping and they said no. So I'm really not expecting the replacement plants to be in any better shape then the ones I just got.
Has anyone here purchased tomatoes this way w/ any success? If so, can you tell me who you purchased them from?