Haven't moved yet. Am working on repairing and cleaning the houses. As for birds I have seen Summer Tanager, Pileated Woodpecker, White-Eyed and Red-Eyed vireos, Chickadees, Titmousen, Wrens ( INSIDE one of the houses, Wild Turkeys, Deer,Rattlesnakes, Squirrels (Shot one for dinner), rabbits. Coyotes are RAMPANT as are Raccons, but haven't seen any, Just the neighbors' calves they killed and ate. I have also seen mink and fox there in teh past and I'm almost CERTAIN we have bobcats, too. I am taking up fur trapping until I can get the predators under control. Thart's about all for now. I have a LIFETIME of work ahead of me. Chickens and a Great Pyrenese Dog are FIRST on my list, the Guine fowl and peafowl. then goats and finally horses. I may raise horses. I'm not sure.
Kingdoms RAGE and go to war...but the PEasants plant potatoes..
EARTH FIRST! (we'll strip-mine the OTHER planets later.)