I just got a Curcuma plant a few days ago (the white one, not the pink) and was wondering about any diseases I should be aware of and what I need to do in order to prevent or cure, if the unfortunate stuff hits? The plant is quite healthy looking (except a couple of very small brownish spots on a mature leaf. I bought it like that).
The plant is potted, about 2 ft high. The pot also has 3 other young plants (2 of them are just a few leaves each, 1--2 ft high. The 3rd has a very young
flower growing). I'm on my cell...so can't post any pics right now (it really is a pain this way). Also, is it OK to feed it Miracle Gro all purpose water soluble fertilizer designed for houseplants? I watered it thoroughly a couple of days ago, the potting mix is quite moist so I haven't watered since. I did mist the leaves a couple of times/day though. Is that OK? (the room temp is 25.5 C and there's lot of lights, both natural and from potlights + floor lamp).