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#111657 August 1st, 2005 at 05:44 AM
Triss Offline OP
OP Offline
Joined: Aug 2004
We have a very pretty bird, flock of them really, fluttering all around the house tonight. I have been trying in vain to identify them. They are black bodies, yellow or creamy underbodies with darker yellow or orangish necks and very sleek bodies. They are a faily small bird, about 6-8 inches long.

Any ideas based on this. These critters fly so fast I have been unable to get a pic of them and so far have not been able to find them online.

#111658 August 1st, 2005 at 10:13 AM
Joined: May 2005
The Bird Man
The Bird Man
Joined: May 2005
It could possibly be a Lesser Goldfinch.

#111659 August 1st, 2005 at 10:12 PM
Triss Offline OP
OP Offline
Joined: Aug 2004
Thanks. Will look that one up and see if it matches.

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