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#114469 July 20th, 2005 at 08:46 PM
Joined: Oct 2004
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Hey everybody ~

The Coffeehouse Games Have Begun!

Welcome to the Opening Ceremonies...


#114470 July 20th, 2005 at 08:52 PM
Joined: Feb 2005
When I grow up can I be as creative as you???

#114471 July 20th, 2005 at 08:55 PM
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laugh laugh laugh laugh

Oh pc, you crack me up!

kissies p

So what's your poison? Hurdles, gymnastics, track, swimming? Sitting in the stands cheering?


#114472 July 20th, 2005 at 09:07 PM
Joined: Feb 2005
Hurdles, gymnastics, track-- I'd break my neck--swimming--I'd sink like a rock--Sitting in the stands cheering?I'd probably get splinters!!! Oh well-- I think I'll pass on the sports. But I like to WATCH the figure skating sometimes.
laugh laugh laugh

#114473 July 20th, 2005 at 09:09 PM
Joined: Feb 2005
Come to think of it-- I'm more likely the one to volunteer to work the whole time in the conssession(sp??) stand!!!

#114474 July 20th, 2005 at 09:10 PM
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So I take it you aren't into the Summer Games?

When Maxi was very small and we'd be watching the figure skaters, he'd get two of his cardboard oversized bricks. He'd put them right in front of the TV and stand up on them, one under each foot. Then as the skaters did their performance, he'd stand there trying to imitate their arm motions. It was adorable and I loved watching him do it!

By the way, there is always SHOPPING at the Olympics!


#114475 July 20th, 2005 at 09:13 PM
Joined: Feb 2005
I'll opt for that then!!!

**So I take it you aren't into the
Summer Games?**

Nah-- Its baseball in the summer IF I have to have sports at all... I'm not a sports fan. I prefer mystery tv or cartoons.

#114476 July 20th, 2005 at 09:15 PM
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Now you're talking!!

Which are your favorites?


#114477 July 20th, 2005 at 09:17 PM
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Ahhh...figure skating! grinnnn
That's ME!

Back in my younger days :rolleyes: I was quite the ice princess! Actually, it hasn't been all that long ago when I put the skates back on and hit the big pond out at the farm.

there is always SHOPPING at the Olympics!
Loz - Gold Medal Olympic Shopper!

#114478 July 20th, 2005 at 09:21 PM
Joined: Feb 2005
Originally posted by Merme:

Now you're talking!!

Which are your favorites?

ANY OF THEM!!! I search channels to find anything that comes close to mystery or detective shows. I love a good whodunnit!! When I can't find one I watch cartoons with Ally.

I don't care much for the true life crime scene stuff... Guess living with a lawman I hear about too much up close and in person.

#114479 July 20th, 2005 at 09:21 PM
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wavey Morning all Merme count me in for Archery,Rifle,Skeet,Hand gun trials and the fishing tournaments. laugh Pc if you lived here you wouldn't leave your mower under a tree when you came back it would be gone you would be lucky if the tree was not stolen. They break into garages and steal lawn tools and leave other stuff alone. Hope everyone has a good day cool here only 82 so far got everything watered and fed as in animals now have to go to feed store for dog food as I don't feed the junk they sell in most stores mine is organic chemical free dog food made in Muenster Tx. Its called Muenster Natural.

#114480 July 20th, 2005 at 09:23 PM
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afgrey, I can see it now:

"loz, going for the gold! And she's off! Will she be able to beat her best time? Shave .10/ 100ths of a second by the 6th round? Will she come under budget with the most loot?"

Listen to the fans roar!

loz, takes the gold!

laugh laugh laugh


#114481 July 20th, 2005 at 09:25 PM
Joined: Feb 2005
Pc if you lived here you wouldn't leave your mower under a tree when you came back it would be gone you would be lucky if the tree was not stolen.
JV-- that's the ONE thing I love about this small community. Not much of that-- and my neighbors on both sides of me are really super about watching out for things. There are 3 houses right next to each other in our little place out here in the country and I'm in the middle. So between my fence, Molly, and one of my neighbors being the local Sheriff I don't have much to worry about!!! laugh laugh laugh

#114482 July 20th, 2005 at 09:27 PM
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laugh laugh laugh
Merme-- you're hilarious!!!!

#114483 July 20th, 2005 at 09:27 PM
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JV, got cha covered my buddy! You're on for skeet, archery, fishing, rifles and hand gun trials! You'll do us proud, I'm sure!

Glad it is a titch cooler in your part of the world. It is STEAMING here today...we're climbing up out of the 70's into the 80's and they are predicting 90 before it stops.

I'm in a panic!


#114484 July 20th, 2005 at 09:30 PM
Joined: Feb 2005
Sweetie--you'd never make it here in MS. We have 80's & 90's in December & Jan. at times... And its ALWAYS humid!! That's why I don't care for it to snow here on the rare occasion that it does--because it very quickly turns to nasty, ugly slush!!!

#114485 July 20th, 2005 at 09:30 PM
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pc, that's what happens when I stay up half the night slaming coffee. I get slap happy; everything seems funny to me.

My mom used to call it "punch drunk".



#114486 July 20th, 2005 at 09:31 PM
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laugh laugh laugh laugh

#114487 July 20th, 2005 at 09:32 PM
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oops, gotta run! My attendant is finally here.


#114488 July 20th, 2005 at 09:32 PM
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See Ya!!!! wavey

#114489 July 20th, 2005 at 09:33 PM
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Afgrey-- you still here???

#114490 July 20th, 2005 at 09:41 PM
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Not supposed to be real hot here today only 98 we will see. Pc I know what you mean about the rare snow fall becoming nasty slush. If we get anything is an Ice Storm about once every four or five years shuts everything down for a few days. Our weather here is about the same as yours is. I had a heavy coat gave it to my son in Hastings, Ne. I don't even own a heavy coat levi jacket is good enoungh for our cold usualy.

#114491 July 20th, 2005 at 09:57 PM
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Morning all,

muggs Got my half decaf Folgers here- on my second cup - not working yet...had a sleepless night last night but Dr gave me some Allegra D to fix my ears and I took it-- knew better but was desperate for the pressure in my ears to go away... anywho.... it makes me anxious, agitated and ready to jump out of my skin- so won't take it again- good news is my ears are more open - less pressure so now I can use the spray stuff - it doesn't do that to me--- good thing I don't have kids this week - would not be a good thing... other Nana has them today- and Fri- we are going over though so hubby can fix the broken door on their entertainment center-- SIL can fix and build a computer but fixing things is not his thing and it needs to get done..LOL!Have to go after the kids are a gone though so the 2 yr old doesn't cry for Papa- he made himself sick the other day when Papa left - cried so hard he threw up--- made Papa decide he would never do that to him again if he could help it..
Well I will be in the stands cheering for out Olympians--- unless you have a cooking catagory, only one I could compete in.... not much into sports either-- guess the short dash would be one though - do chase the 2 yr old a lot....

We are going to have another hot day today too- they say over 100 at he airport-again- my deck was that yesterday easily--- my flowers all look tired - we keep watering but it dries out so fast with this heat - the roses my daughter gave me have taken off now though - they grew about 8 inches in a week... and have a couple buds- will be nice to see the colors--
Well off to the shower and to the kids- will be strange to be there without the kids - only way hubby can fix things though-- he is also going to play phone man and put in an extension by her laundry area- it's in the basement and never fails- phone rings and I never make it all the way upstairs before it quits-- and always forget to take the portable down with me...

#114492 July 20th, 2005 at 10:07 PM
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Good morning, Nana ~ wavey

Got my attendant out the door on some errands and snuck back here for a bit.

Glad to see you this morning, kid, and glad to know your ears are improving. I've been concerned.

Let's see....for you to participate in the Olympics....

There is the dash or sprint, as you suggested, and there is the discus -- I bet you could throw cinnamon muffins and rolls!

laugh laugh

You could also be a Judge!

"And here is Judge Nana from Colorado entering the arena with muffins for the entire panel of Judges! Folks, how DOES she do it? Prepare so much food for so many people at such high altitudes this early in the morning? ...Wait, I'm getting a live feed...they are banana muffins, they are blueberry muffins, they are peach and walnut muffins! Judge Nana has done it again -- she sprinted to the GOLD!!! Yeaaaaaa Nanaaaaaa!"

laugh laugh


#114493 July 20th, 2005 at 10:24 PM
Joined: Aug 2004
Wanted to say good morning here even though I already posted in the now closed coffeehouse. Not too bright yet this morning, getting there though.

LOVE the Olympics, swimming is my thing, gymnastics too but will watch it all!

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