Well, I did quite a bit today - I opened the curtain and had a look at the
plants on the picnic table, then took a nap.
Heh! Heh! No, folks - I'm not slippin' - just too hot to be out there in the daytime.
Last night and the night before I was cleaning around my little square I made for the cosmos (which has done very little to date).
I'm raking around it, throwing the scraps in the buckets - filled two. Big ones too. Why waste bags when ya' got a few buckets? Save a few
trees . . .
What else - I watered some of my
weed transplants - they looked dead and gone, but they came up.
I guess I'll go out there tonight and keep working around that same radius till the middle lot looks like somebody gives a damn again.
No pictures right now - my batteries are low, and I'm saving them for something important, like one of the robins that visit each evening, or the saucy little raccoons that love lookin' at me.
They don't take any pictures though.
Oh yeah - I forgot - I sent some nervy trespassers packin' last night. People seem to think that driveways and grounds that belong to an apartment building are free to use as a public park.
Right in front of my nose this little yuppie comes by with her man and starts practicing on her new motor scooter. She rounded the lot on the driveway about 5 times as I watched - they looked at me as if to say 'hey! mind your own biz.'
I says, hey! Don't you think you oughta' ask if it's ok to do that? It' ain't a freeway, ya' know.
The guy says 'oh, yeah . . . really.'
They left looking quite huffy about it all.
I wonder if I should find out where they live and sic my cat on 'em.
She's good at telling people off in no uncertain terms . . .