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#122366 July 30th, 2005 at 08:37 PM
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Well this morning it is overcast so it seemed to me that it was a Weezie day to transplant. wink
And I had planted the calendula way to close together sooooooooooo. I did a little transplanting this morning. It's probably silly since they are annuals but I just had to try. If nothing else I need the practice moving plants. Since I'll be moving the canna after they finish blooming this year. They are way to tall for that pot lol.

Anyway I thought it would be nice to have a spot to put our daily jobs that makes gardening so much fun. I came in to get some water and then I'll go out and get an after picture. I know I have a before picture around here somewhere.

#122367 July 30th, 2005 at 09:15 PM
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So here is the before and after shots. Excuse my photos they aren't very good as usual lol.

Before. A little crowded me thinks. lol
[Linked Image]

After. A little better possibly? lol
[Linked Image]

#122368 July 31st, 2005 at 09:38 PM
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Well today since the dianthus were such a disappointment I filled their space with several small bunches of chives that were of course over crowded where I had them. I'm definitely going to have to get better at the spacing thing. It's just they look so small when plants are just sprouting.

Oh and did I mention that the coffee plants have sprouted. I am so pleased woohoo.

#122369 August 1st, 2005 at 01:34 AM
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Well I went out to look at the containers today and lo and behold the Hollyhocks are starting to sprout. Which is great it'll keep the container looking green even though they won't bloom this year. And that should keep the landlord from pouting lol.

Somebody had pulled up the onions and just left them in the pot so I replanted them. I don't know if I got to them in time but maybe.

#122370 August 1st, 2005 at 09:56 AM
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well I guess I am gonna start adding to this post.......

Today was a light day in the yard work area. I watered all containers as usual. Moved some of the lillies I had planted toward the back of the front flower bed so I could plant some coral bells in the front of them. I think this will be a nice border day lillies with foamy coral bells in the front then some nice annuals each year maybe a mix of impatients and alyssum. Planted 4 new hardy mums in the area too. I cant wait for next year when all this blooms its gonna be beautiful. I really need to add more mulch to the area but with all the work I am still doing I want to wait a little longer.
As for the rest of todays work I picked the cherry tomatoes. That was about it for the yard work today.

#122371 August 1st, 2005 at 10:59 AM
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Do you have pictures Karrie? I love pictures. Even though I am really bad at taking them I still try because my discriptions aren't very good.

I love impatents especially the ones that look like little cabage roses. What kind of lilies do you have and do you have a link for coral bells? I don't think I've seen them before.

I know doing stuff this year for next year is kind of hard because of the waiting. But it sure will be nice when it comes up. I'm glad you decided to post here.

#122372 August 1st, 2005 at 11:19 PM
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Right now my chores consist of watering and enjoying blooms. I am still waiting to collect seeds from my Hollyhocks. I still love just touring around the yard and looking at what I have accomplished this year. It has been fun.

#122373 August 2nd, 2005 at 12:48 AM
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isn't that great? I got to harvest a tomato yesterday. That was so neat. I've never done that before so it was a big thing to me. Took it in washed it off and eat it lol. I should have stuck it in the frig for a short bit first but I was too excited lol. I'm thinking about digging down in the compost some to try and get at the black gold so I can do some more planting but I haven't talked myself into it yet. I would definitely like to get some more Hollyhocks going for next year.

#122374 August 2nd, 2005 at 02:11 AM
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I can't wait to harvest my cherry tomatos. I drool everytime i look at them. I keep waiting and waiting,but they just won't ripen fast enough for me.

#122375 August 2nd, 2005 at 03:03 AM
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It does take them a good amount of time to turn colors doesn't it? But it looks like your going to have a bushel of them when they do.

Is that the kind you sent me? If so I definitely am going to look forward to having those next year. This year I have the roma and I'm really pleased with how they are doing but I would like to try some different kinds.

#122376 August 2nd, 2005 at 03:17 AM
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Is that the kind you sent me?
Yes i do believe so TK. I can't get over how many are on my plant!!! thumbup

#122377 August 2nd, 2005 at 03:25 AM
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Well, I did quite a bit today - I opened the curtain and had a look at the plants on the picnic table, then took a nap.

Heh! Heh! No, folks - I'm not slippin' - just too hot to be out there in the daytime.

Last night and the night before I was cleaning around my little square I made for the cosmos (which has done very little to date).

I'm raking around it, throwing the scraps in the buckets - filled two. Big ones too. Why waste bags when ya' got a few buckets? Save a few trees . . .

What else - I watered some of my weed transplants - they looked dead and gone, but they came up.

I guess I'll go out there tonight and keep working around that same radius till the middle lot looks like somebody gives a damn again.

No pictures right now - my batteries are low, and I'm saving them for something important, like one of the robins that visit each evening, or the saucy little raccoons that love lookin' at me.

They don't take any pictures though.

Oh yeah - I forgot - I sent some nervy trespassers packin' last night. People seem to think that driveways and grounds that belong to an apartment building are free to use as a public park.

Right in front of my nose this little yuppie comes by with her man and starts practicing on her new motor scooter. She rounded the lot on the driveway about 5 times as I watched - they looked at me as if to say 'hey! mind your own biz.'

I says, hey! Don't you think you oughta' ask if it's ok to do that? It' ain't a freeway, ya' know.

The guy says 'oh, yeah . . . really.'

They left looking quite huffy about it all.

I wonder if I should find out where they live and sic my cat on 'em.

She's good at telling people off in no uncertain terms . . .

[Linked Image]

#122378 August 2nd, 2005 at 03:26 AM
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Me either that is fantastic. How did you fertilize or what did you amend the soil with before you planted? And how much sun are they getting. Nosey little pain aren't I? They just look so fantastic. Mine are very small even for romas but they didn't get very good care. Not that I didn't mean to. I just wasn't prepared to handle a garden.

You know I didn't have a clue when I started and I've been playing catch up every since and not doing a very good job of it either.

And way next year I think I'll be able to do better.

#122379 August 2nd, 2005 at 03:46 AM
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I hate doing things for next year, 'cause I never know if I'm going to be here. But I figure, somebody's going to be here, so there might as well be something to remember me by.

It's not that I plan on dyin' or anything - it's just that we're planning to move on as soon as we can arrange for a good apartment to move into for the winter.

We've been here almost 11 years now and that's long enough for Jeff to be the superintendent, we think.

I hate the idea of leaving the garden, but I think I've put enough of myself into it - I truly believe it'll all come back to me - it's the law of the universe.

I'll betcha' the earth goddess has a special little place saved for me to garden in. Even if it's a small plot of land, a balcony or some place I can practice 'maverick' gardening.

#122380 August 2nd, 2005 at 03:53 AM
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I have them in Miracle gro. I fertilized once so far. Just regular liquid fert. I decided to try an experiment with them though. I heard that if you plant herbs (especially basil) with your tomato plants, the tomatos will somehow taste like the herb. SO I have basil, marjoram, and oregano planted around the base of the plant.
They get sun from sun up until about 2:30-3:00 in the afternoon.

#122381 August 2nd, 2005 at 04:14 AM
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Tk I so understand your excitement on the tomato. Today I made veggie soup every veg in it was picked by me. Hubbys grandma and I are very close so we did a veggie garden together this year. This way she didnt tend it alone which she tends to overdo it. Well this is hte first year I have ever grown anything to eat! I am so proud and cannot wait for dinner. Its not quite as hardy a soup as I like but for my first grow I am pleased.

Ok and TK I took some pictures droped them off at the lab I will post them ASAP when hubby brings them home. I hope to get a digital for christmas!

I have day lillies as of today I have 10 of them most are pretty small but give them time! cool I just cant wait to see them in bloom. I have 3 pond lillies but only one of them has flowered.

Today garden work was somewhat light again. Watered the container flowers (of course) weeded around the pond, and thinned the grassy stuff around the pond. Man that stuff really took off and spread quite a bit but it looks so nice. Deaded headed a few flowers and harvested a whole 4 pods off of my yellow snapdraggon! Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Man mother nature makes life grand!

#122382 August 2nd, 2005 at 04:31 AM
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Tk here are some links to photos of coral bells I want:

They kinda mound and get a spike of white flowers out of the top of them.

Also I love these ones:

Next year both will be planted in my yard!

I have never seen the caramel ones, I am thinking they will be hard to find! But I will!

My plan is to plant them along with the day lillies somewhat like this

imagine if you can that X is a day lilly and 0 is a coral bell


0 0 0 0 0

Now take that string of characters and make a circle outta it. Get the idea?

#122383 August 2nd, 2005 at 05:17 AM
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So you are raising spaghetti sauce Phoenix???? I never heard of that before. I will try it next year. I just have marigolds around my tomatoes to keep the bugs off.

Carly, I really believe we all get a garden spot where ever we may go. It is our destiny as tillers of the earth. angell

#122384 August 2nd, 2005 at 05:32 AM
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Well Fernie since Jeff is Italian I thought I just had to do it. I have never had a bug problem with my tomatos. My other outdoor plants sometimes get aphids though grrrr!!!

#122385 August 2nd, 2005 at 06:23 AM
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Karrie I think that idea for the flower bed is going to be fantastic. Those coral bells look like they have some really fantastic foliage that is going to go great with the day lilies flowers.

We have a community digital camera that we send around to who ever wants to use it. It's great to learn on. If you would like to use it let me know I have it at the moment and could easily send it on.

#122386 August 2nd, 2005 at 09:07 AM
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TK that would be great! I would appreciate it! hopefully I will get one but I would so love to show you all some pictures of my beauties! I will send you my addy in a pm! Thanks! When ever your done with it is fine with me!

#122387 August 2nd, 2005 at 09:22 AM
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I have 2 dsifferent varieties of coral bells. One is the green leaf variety and the other is the purple leaf ones. I'll post pics of them tomorrow

#122388 August 2nd, 2005 at 10:13 AM
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ok, I'll send it off on Wednesday. Enjoy!

#122389 August 2nd, 2005 at 09:07 PM
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woohoo the poplar on one end of the garden has decided that it's fall and is turning yellow and dropping it's leaves. Filled up the compost bin this morning and will get out there and turn it as soon as I recover from the heat. It's suppose to only be 80 out there right now but it sure feels much hotter to me. And I found about 3 cup fulls of sand to add to the clay spot I want for the peonies. I can't wait until it gets on to evening so I can get out there and mix that in the clay. I'm also thinking about taking a big trash bag out there and dumping half the compost in it to see if the stuff on the bottom is ready to use. I want to put some of that down in the shady area I'm preparing. I want the peonies to be as happy as humanly possible when they get transplanted so they will grow big and tall. Do I sound excited? Yeah I am.

#122390 August 4th, 2005 at 01:22 AM
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Karrie I hope you don't mind but I may not get the camera in the mail until saturday. I'm having one of those weeks that happen from time to time. But I promise I will get it in there then.

For garden chores, I went out and smiled at my tomatoes that are trying to turn colors, harvested some portulaca seed pods and two zinnia flowers. I'm not even thinking about pulling weeds or sweeping up early leaves because I still feel a little weak in the knees.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

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