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#129323 July 24th, 2005 at 09:59 PM
Joined: Mar 2005
Official Blabber Mouth
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Official Blabber Mouth
Joined: Mar 2005
I just went through my seed can to see what it might be a good idea to plant in a bald spot when some plants got infected and needed to be pulled. Boy wasn't I supprised to find that my 16 different types of plants had grown to 38 and they all needed plant profiles made up on them. So I'm off to look at fact sheets.

#129324 July 25th, 2005 at 06:46 AM
Joined: Aug 2003
Joined: Aug 2003
That's exciting. Your seeds have doubled. Maybe a little hanky panky going on in that can???

#129325 July 25th, 2005 at 07:11 AM
Joined: Mar 2005
Official Blabber Mouth
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Official Blabber Mouth
Joined: Mar 2005
lol it's the trades and everyone sending me some of their favorites. So I'm going to have lots and lots of different things in the garden next year. I can't wait. It's so exciting.

Now that I know I want a very strong skeeter repellent for the summer. It's unbelievable the number of skeeters out there. And there isn't any standing water so I don't know why they are there in such droves.

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