March 14th, 2007 at 03:34 PM
Compost Queen!
Compost Queen!
Joined: Apr 2003
I'll re~write the first post, *what Patty originally wrote about this being the slower thread for those with Dial~up~~* But I wanted to know what was going on with Lynne's mom?? Anyone heard????????????????? 
March 14th, 2007 at 03:37 PM
Joined: Sep 2005
March 14th, 2007 at 07:13 PM
Joined: Feb 2006
Weezie, I haven't heard anything about Lynne's mom, but I sure would like to know how she's doing. 
March 14th, 2007 at 07:29 PM
Compost Queen!
Compost Queen!
Joined: Apr 2003
I had read in here a couple of days ago, her mom was not well, and came back in to see if she'd posted anything new on her... And then I couldn't find it...
But annnnnny~who~who!!!
Hope she checks in here soon with an update on mom!!
I know how you feel with the hybernation thing.. Gosh, just thinkin' of pullin' that long hose for waterin' this summer is already giving me a backache..
Alot cooler here too, like alllllllll rain!!! And no sun... But able to walk the dawwwwwwwwwg still and not drowned!!
March 15th, 2007 at 07:02 AM
Joined: Feb 2006
Well, I had another beautiful day outside and got several things done. I called early this morning to have them come out and mark where all the utilities lines (gas, electric, water, telephone, etc.) are buried so I can start digging for my vegetable garden.  Actually, I wasn't going to do anything this year except my usual 5 or 6 tomato plants, 1 or 2 green pepper plants and my strawberry plants. Well, when I was clearing the area for my strawberry bed I found a nice sized patch of awesome soil instead of the lousy clay soil that's in my yard. It was beautiful, black dirt and it smelled wonderful,  so maybe someone had a garden there before. Since I didn't want to put my raised strawberry bed over that beautiful dirt  I decided I would use the spot for a small veggie garden.  Judging from the looks of my yard I don't think I'll be doing any gardening for the rest of my spring Break, unless I wear hip boots!  I'm not complaining because I feel I've accomplished a lot while I was off, and I probably won't have to water the lawn for a while. 
March 15th, 2007 at 11:57 AM
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Compost Queen!
Joined: Apr 2003
I don't even bother aggrevating myself, with trying to yard work at this time of year. Ther'es no sense for me, too much snow still, and where it's melted, I don't like uncovering stuff to expose it to the elements.. if we get another cold sub~zero temps' again.. *bare plants die faster than covered ones'* Besides, I woke up to snow.. So, why bother, I knew it would.. And probably will still get more before April ends.. I got inside stuff yet.. Okay, now where has Patty been tooo???
March 15th, 2007 at 01:04 PM
Joined: Nov 2003
Just a real quickie, as I have to drive over to take my mom to her doctor soon. Some of you have noticed that I've been missing. My sister and I had to fly down to Florida last Wednesday, as Patty so thoughtfully wrote about last week for me, to take care of our mom in the hospital. She had been in there for 5 days and was getting worse. The second day we were there, they almost killed her - literally!!! I won't go into details here, but suffice it to say that we did some very loud crying and yelling and they finally moved her down to CV/ICU, where they managed to save her! It's been a very difficult week, with not more than 2-4 hours of sleep on any given night, including last night when I finally got back home to my house at 2 a.m., after showering mom and getting her into bed. I'm off now to take her to her "regular" internist up here, in hopes that he will check her out thoroughly and get her back on the road to being more healthy again. See you all later, after I've slept when I return.
March 15th, 2007 at 01:07 PM
Joined: Sep 2005
Oh Lynne...i have been worried about you!! I am so sorry to hear about your mom and what she's been put through...good thing is you have her back home where you can keep a closer eye on her 
March 15th, 2007 at 01:22 PM
Compost Queen!
Compost Queen!
Joined: Apr 2003
Originally posted by plants 'n pots: Some of you have noticed that I've been missing.
I sometimes don't always post, or get back to things, *NOT for the lack of the WANT, it's for the LACK OF TIME*, but I did notice you weren't here, and wondered how you were and how your mom was doing.. I read she wasn't feeling well, then noooooo Lynne.. Soooooo verrrrrrrry glad to see you here, and to hear about your mom... Thanks for posting and hope for continued good health for your mom!!!!
March 15th, 2007 at 02:42 PM
Joined: Nov 2004
Lynne, you are always missed when you aren't here posting!  Thank you for the update on your mother. Sure hope that her home doctors can get her in good health and soon! I sure hope you can get some rest soon, now that you are home. I know what it is like sitting at the hospital with a loved one and worrying about them...
March 15th, 2007 at 04:20 PM
Joined: Feb 2006
Thanks so much for the update on your mom, Lynne!  I'm sorry to hear how seriously sick she was but I've been saying prayers for your mom, you and your family at this stressful time.  I know how hard it is when someone you love is sick and in the hospital because the constant worry and running just wears you down. I'm so glad to know that you are back home and have your mom with you.  I think perhaps she will get much better care with her regular doctors. I'm continuing to say prayers every day that her good health returns real soon. Lynne, please remember to take care of yourself  too because you can't help your mom if you get down sick. 
March 16th, 2007 at 01:02 AM
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Compost Queen!
Joined: Apr 2003
Okay, have we heard from Patty yet then?? 
March 16th, 2007 at 07:30 PM
Joined: Aug 2004
Oh Lynne, what a rough week you have had. I am glad you are home and with your mom. I hope her regular doctors can get her to feeling better very soon. You know my thoughts are with you! 