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#29327 July 13th, 2005 at 12:27 AM
Joined: May 2005
hinda Offline OP
OP Offline
Joined: May 2005
acouple of months a go i got cutting of a succulent (i wish a i had a camera!@#$%^)it looks like a finger and has very small and not so sharp thorns. i pooted two fingers in the house and they hava stayed green and grown at least two inches. the ones outside havbe turned purple and dont fel as solid as a succulent (at least that is what i think). i water the ones outside for real once a week and mist them every other dya - it is very hot here! i even took them out so i could throw them out tbut i found several green shoots below the ground. so i replantted them. that was a couple of weeks ago and i am yet to see any of theose geen shoots breaking the ground. and the fingers still look so purple. what can i do to help them grow better??

#29328 July 13th, 2005 at 01:07 AM
Joined: Nov 2003
Joined: Nov 2003
In my experience, succulents will turn red and/or purple when growing in outdoor full sun. I haven't had any problems with them changing like that, and when I bring them indoors for the winter they generally lose that darker color.

You might want to put them in some shade if you have any. That will keep the color more green.

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