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#29377 August 14th, 2005 at 01:08 AM
Joined: Aug 2005
Shay Offline OP
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I am fairly new to gardening and lawn care, this is only one of many questions that I will have. We moved in to a house in November and it had been empty for abour 4 years. We completely remodeled the inside, and now want to start on the exterior. Our front yard is full of weeds that look kinda like grass and our neighbors all have beutiful lush green yards, I WANT THAT! I have heard that the best time to seed is in the fall, but I have also heard that you should plant Bermuda in the summer in full sun. What do I do? I would also like to know what St. Augistine is and if it would be something to think about?

#29378 August 14th, 2005 at 01:15 AM
Hi there and welcome to the forum, I'm moving your post to the lawns section where it will recieve more responses....thanks for joining us...and I hope you eventually have more questions and come back and visit us a lot!


#29379 August 14th, 2005 at 09:22 AM
Joined: May 2005
Joined: May 2005
Hi Shay! wavey Welcome to the forum! I saw 'bermuda grass' and it caught my attention. You might want to look for some other alternatives to bermuda grass - unless you're absolutely sure you want grass where you plant it forever, and aren't concerned about it growing up among any flower beds you have... I'm sure someone who knows more about it will pop in, but I know that bermuda is highly invasive, and almost impossible to remove, so I would just recommend learning all you can before planting it wink

#29380 August 15th, 2005 at 04:06 AM
Joined: Aug 2005
Shay Offline OP
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