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#33882 August 9th, 2005 at 01:43 AM
Joined: Aug 2005
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Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2005
Can someone please help, recently given an aloe Vera plant, to my surprise it flowered (I was advised it may not this year as it was from a cutting) flower has now all but fallen off and I now have two pods growing from the flower stem. I am assuming they may contain seeds but am in the dark as to what to do with them. Don't want to waste an opportunity if I could grow some more from them. any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanx

#33883 August 9th, 2005 at 02:17 AM
Hi and welcome to the forum Gillian...I'm going to move your post to the houseplant section where it will get more replies....Glad you found us!


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