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#34139 August 11th, 2005 at 05:04 AM
Joined: Mar 2005
OP Offline
Joined: Mar 2005
I just noticed that some of my lovely sunflowers have developed stem canker. One is wilting before my eyes & at least one or two others have the same stem problem. eek They had gotten to over 6 ft, & I was really looking forward to the blooms. Has anyone else had this problem? Should I pull the infected plants in hopes that the others won't get it? I read where this disease likes high heat & humidity, & we've had it in spades this summer up here in northern VT!!

Joined: Jul 2004
Joined: Jul 2004
Well I'm not getting anywhere with the few black eyed susans I put in.

All of this might have to do with the drought - even if they're drought resistant, the heat was pretty severe this summer.

People don't think of Canada as having heat - ha ha! We've had it big time here in Toronto. And there was even one day when Churchill, Manitoba (Polar Bear Land) was hotter than other parts.

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