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#35481 July 17th, 2005 at 10:58 PM
Joined: Jul 2005
vicky Offline OP
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Joined: Jul 2005

I've got a rather poorly looking jasmine plant in a pot outside - was very healthy when I bought it a month ago but looks to be drying out. Do they like direct sunlight as it has it about 6-7 hours a day and temps around 33ºC?

Also, whitefly is a horrendous problem here on the island. Any tips as it seems to attack almost everything. And lastly, got lots of moths in the garden, and the caterpillars are munching their way through my plants!! Any ideas?
Thanks for any tips and advice in advance!!
A novice gardener who loves to potter!!

#35482 July 18th, 2005 at 01:03 AM
Joined: Apr 2005
Joined: Apr 2005
What kind of Jasmine? Vining like a J.polyanthum or J.nitidum?

I have a J.polyanthum on my patio in SoCal. It takes 4-7 hours of sun per day. I have it behind a support pole, so that the direct sun does not heat the pot. It began to distress about a month after I bought it, also. Spider mites, browning leaves. I sprayed for the mights, and fed the palnt with liquid fertilizer & "superthrive", a great product for distressed plants. I water every morning. If the water is not sinking in very quickly, water with the hose. The intense pressure will help to soften the crust for better penetration. superthrive

#35483 July 18th, 2005 at 07:07 PM
Joined: Apr 2003
Compost Queen!
Compost Queen!
Joined: Apr 2003
Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum,
We're very glad you found us....

Just so you know, I"m going to move
your post down into the plants AND flowers SECTION, you may get some additional replies
in to there...

And don't forget to look around and check out all
of our sections here, there's lot's to do here...
Lot's of wonderful gardener's and friends....
It's a very close friendly gardening community here...

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