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#37768 August 4th, 2005 at 04:25 AM
Joined: Mar 2005
Official Blabber Mouth
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Official Blabber Mouth
Joined: Mar 2005
How much epsom salt should I add to each tomato plant please? I think the romas have blight but they are still trying to produce tomatoes and I thought I would try to give them a little help.

#37769 August 4th, 2005 at 06:51 AM
Joined: Apr 2003
Compost Queen!
Compost Queen!
Joined: Apr 2003
Here's the link to Epsom Salt

Don't forget to read all 3 links on the left
hand side, that say,
Garden Benefits
Why It Works
Garden Usage Tips

#37770 August 4th, 2005 at 08:26 AM
Joined: Mar 2005
Official Blabber Mouth
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Official Blabber Mouth
Joined: Mar 2005
Thanks Weezie.

#37771 August 4th, 2005 at 08:37 AM
Joined: Apr 2003
Compost Queen!
Compost Queen!
Joined: Apr 2003
When I pot up my tomato plants,
I always put some in the dirt/soil
when I'm mixing it....
That way, it's thru~out the soil....

Then after a wee~bit of time,
*also depends on how much rain and watering
is done!!!!*
If there's alot, I may sprinkle more..

Never sprinkle on dry dirt...
Always give the plant a good drink of
water first, wait, then sprinkle on top,
scratch into the dirt/soil lightly....
and water it in....

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