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#37821 July 20th, 2005 at 06:47 AM
Joined: May 2004
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Joined: May 2004
I finally get grapes. Lots of them and between the japanese beetles and the black rot, I'll be lucky to have one decent grape.

Looking for organic way to kill both of my problems. Tried Oil Away for the beetles, no go. Any ideas would be great!

In horrible, hot, humid Ohio

#37822 July 20th, 2005 at 09:36 AM
Joined: Apr 2004
Joined: Apr 2004
I've been using Surround and Pyola from Garden's Alive. Surround dries on the the foliage as a powder and deters the beetles. Pyola is supposed to kill the ones already there. I have some Japanese Beetle damage, but not near total defoliation as in previous years.

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