Having added the need for the
plants to be dought tolerant I've made some definite changes. Here is what I've found on my safari's through the on-line catalogs lol.
January these
plants don't necessarily bloom in winter but they are suppose to carry either foliage, seedpods or stems that will add winter interest and color to the garden.
Arum italicum ssp. italicum 'Winter White'**
Galanthus nivalis 'Flore Pleno'( Full Sun/partial shade)
Euphorbia ** (all seasons all varieties)
Salvia o. 'Icterina'**
Andropogon gerardii (very hardy)
Cotoneaster dammeri**(red berries in winter)
Hamamelis x int. ‘Jelena’
Hamamelis x int. ‘Diane’
Helleborus x nigercors ‘Honeyhill Joy’
Helleborus x hyb. 'Blue Lady'
Helleborus x hyb. 'Red Lady'
Hepatica acutiloba
Kniphofia uvaria 'Christmas Cheer'**
Mahonia reptans**
Phlomis c. 'Cashmere Sage'**(seedheads)
Febuary: Here are some early bloomers according to my research. The only ones I have so far are the snapdragons and I love those.
Miniature snapdragons* (full sun, partial shade)
Snowdrops (full sun, partial shade)
Pink Shamrock **
Euphorbia ** (all seasons all varieties)
March: Of course the end of this month is when Mother nature really likes to show off so finding
flowers for this time of the year was really easy.
Miniature snapdragons (full sun, partial shade)
Trillium erectum purple color** (shade)
Pink Shamrock **
Armeria maritima ‘Rubrifolia’ Ruby Sea Thrift** (full sun) (8" tall)
Heuchera (Coral Bells) ‘Amber Waves’ **
Heuchera ‘Amethyst Myst’ **
Euphorbia ** (all seasons all varieties)
Epimedium perr. 'Frohnleiten'**
Miniature snapdragons (full sun, partial shade)
Trillium (shade)**
Columbine (partial shade)
Babies Breath (full sun)
Artemisia stelleriana 'Silver Brocade'**
Malva Zebrina**
Pink Shamrock **
Armeria maritima ‘Rubrifolia’ Ruby Sea Thrift** (full sun) (8" tall)
Heuchera (Coral Bells) ‘Amber Waves’**
Heuchera ‘Amethyst Myst’**
Lantana camara hybrid New Gold**
Euphorbia ** (all seasons all varieties)
Miniature snapdragons (full sun, partial shade)
Peonies (full sun, partial shade)
Columbine (partial shade)
Babies Breath (full sun)
Malva Zebrina**
Ladies Mantle
Pink Shamrock **
Armeria maritima ‘Rubrifolia’ Ruby Sea Thrift** (full sun) (8" tall)
Heuchera (Coral Bells) ‘Amber Waves’**
Heuchera ‘Amethyst Myst’**
Lantana camara hybrid New Gold**
Euphorbia ** (all seasons all varieties)
June: I had to add some
plants that aren't drought tolerant to this part of the plan. Because they are
flowers that I just really really like and don't want to do without. I guess the landlord and I will just have to be at odds over these.
Miniature snapdragons (full sun, partial shade)
Peonies (full sun, partial shade)
Columbine (partial shade)
Babies Breath (full sun)
Malva Zebrina**
Ladies Mantle
Lunaria needs moisture
Impatient (partial shade, shade)
Sparkler Allium
Pink Shamrock **
Armeria maritima ‘Rubrifolia’ Ruby Sea Thrift** (full sun) (8" tall)
Caryopteris divaricata ‘Snow Fairy’ (Variegated Bluebeard) ** (Full Sun)
Heuchera (Coral Bells) ‘Amber Waves’**
Heuchera ‘Amethyst Myst’ **
Lantana camara hybrid New Gold**
Yellow Prairie Coneflower - Ratibida Columnaris**
Euphorbia ** (all seasons all varieties)
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'**
Mahonia reptans**
July: I'm pretty sure I am way over my space requirements on this one lol. I only have around 300 sq ft to garden in.
Portulaca (full sun)
Carnations (full sun)
Rain lilies
Marigolds (full sun)
Glads (full sun)
Cannas (full sun)
Holly Hocks (full sun)
Babies Breath (full sun)
Zinnia (full sun)
flowersCordalis (partial shade, shade)
Impatients (partial shade, shade)
Pink Shamrock **
Caryopteris divaricata ‘Snow Fairy’ (Variegated Bluebeard) ** (Full Sun)
Oenothera fruticosa ssp. glauca
spring Gold’ ('Frühlingsgold' )(Sun Drops)**
Lantana camara hybrid New Gold**
Yellow Prairie Coneflower - Ratibida Columnaris**
Euphorbia ** (all seasons all varieties)
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'**
Delosperma cooperii**
Phlomis c. 'Cashmere Sage'**
Portulaca (full sun)**
Carnations (full sun)
Marigolds (full sun)
cannas (full sun)
Hollyhocksbabies breath (full sun)
zinnia (full sun)
Impatients (partial shade, shade)
Pink Shamrock **
Caryopteris divaricata ‘Snow Fairy’ (Variegated Bluebeard) ** (Full Sun)
Crocosmia ‘Solfaterre’ (Bronze Montbretia)**
Lantana camara hybrid New Gold**
Yellow Prairie Coneflower - Ratibida Columnaris**
Euphorbia ** (all seasons all varieties)
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'**
Delosperma cooperii**
Phlomis c. 'Cashmere Sage'**
Columbine (partial shade)
Marigolds (full sun)
zinnia (full sun)
Miniature snapdragons (full sun, partial shade)
Impatients (partial shade, shade)
Pink Shamrock **
Crocosmia ‘Solfaterre’ (Bronze Montbretia)**
Lantana camara hybrid New Gold**
Yellow Prairie Coneflower - Ratibida Columnaris**
Euphorbia ** (all seasons all varieties)
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'**
Delosperma cooperii**
Phlomis c. 'Cashmere Sage'**
Columbine (partial shade)
Marigolds (full sun)
Miniature snapdragons (full sun, partial shade)
Yellow Prairie Coneflower - Ratibida Columnaris**
Euphorbia ** (all seasons all varieties)
Salvia o. 'Icterina'**
Andropogon gerardii (very hardy)
Delosperma cooperii**
Delosperma cooperii**
Arum italicum ssp. italicum 'Winter White'**
Galanthus nivalis 'Flore Pleno'( Full Sun/partial shade)
Euphorbia ** (all seasons all varieties)
Salvia o. 'Icterina'**
Andropogon gerardii (very hardy)
Cotoneaster dammeri**(red berries in winter)
Hamamelis x int. ‘Jelena’
Hamamelis x int. ‘Diane’
Helleborus x nigercors ‘Honeyhill Joy’
Helleborus x hyb. 'Blue Lady'
Helleborus x hyb. 'Red Lady'
Hepatica acutiloba
Kniphofia uvaria 'Christmas Cheer'**
Mahonia reptans**
Phlomis c. 'Cashmere Sage'**(seedheads)
Whew that's a bunch of planning and note taking isn't it. But, now I have the bare bones of a plan that I can begin to work with to create a garden that is attractive all year round although it is very small. Wish me luck and please add your garden favorites with their usually bloom times to the string.