July 26th, 2005 at 08:20 PM
I have a few pics of hummers that I took last night down at my feeders....You would've laughed at me crawling across the grass getting closer and closer to them...I almost got hit in the face by them once....Anyway, I thought it would be nice to have a place where we could just look at bird pictures...so here's my hummers! We had 5 flying around last night! Usually we just have 2... Having a drink! Taking a break on the clothesline! ![[Linked Image]](http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid179/pdfd2b0ac31939ec62001f4bb234e8a5d/f3196078.jpg)
July 26th, 2005 at 10:10 PM
Official Problem Child
Official Problem Child
Joined: Mar 2004
I took this a few minutes ago while I was outside cleaning the feeders. While I was refilling them, I put the hose in the rhododendron on the "mist" setting so the hummers would play in it instead of landing on me. They get a little ticked off when I take the feeders down to refill them, and can't wait for me to get them back up so they can start fighting again. :rolleyes: ...strange little birds! This one was waiting on the feeder hanger, preening after it's shower... ![[Linked Image]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v241/afgreyparrot/garden%20helper/hb30.jpg)
July 27th, 2005 at 01:06 AM
Cindy, that's a great picture.....I wish I had better optical zoom...my next camera will be at least 10x optical....I just love watching them, we sit outside every night to watch them feed.....
July 28th, 2005 at 11:04 PM
Official Problem Child
Official Problem Child
Joined: Mar 2004
Here's a few pics of my hummingbird invasion... I've lowered the file size down so they will load easy....so the picture quality won't be as good. :rolleyes: Here's the main trouble-maker... He has been guarding that feeder for almost a week. When I took it down yesterday to clean and refill it, he got MAD! He tried to follow me into the house, so I cleaned it out in the yard, with him trying to land on it the whole time. It was so funny! When I got it filled and was heading back to the hanger, he landed on it and would NOT get off! I had to hang it with him sitting on it. Here he is taunting my cat through the window... Poor kitty sits four inches away from the feeder with GLASS between them! Sometimes she loses control and jumps up on the glass, like she forgets it's there! Cindy
July 29th, 2005 at 12:05 AM
Joined: Jun 2004
I love that last photo with the 2 birds at the feeder. They are soooo cute!
July 29th, 2005 at 12:47 AM
Love the pics Cindy.....your poor cat is being tormented--LOL!!!! Hummingbirds are so tiny that you just can't believe it sometimes....We have a male bully at ours too--he chases every single other hummer off like he owns the feeder...
July 29th, 2005 at 01:16 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
Love all of the bird pics. It rally makes me want to put up a feeder. I know we have hummers here but nothing I am growing is attracting them this year.
July 29th, 2005 at 03:36 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
I made a feeder in hopes of attracting hummers. It is nothing fancy but here are the pics of it. Hopefully bird pics will follow. ![[Linked Image]](http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b173/triss67/feeder3.jpg)
July 29th, 2005 at 04:06 AM
Great job Triss--inventive...I wouldn't have been able to think up a homemade feeder....So where exactly does the liquid come out of???? Can't wait to see if you get some hummers...keeping my fingers crossed!
July 29th, 2005 at 04:11 AM
Official Problem Child
Official Problem Child
Joined: Mar 2004
The "red" was a good idea to attract them. I always put out red ribbons in the spring to get their attention to the feeders... (...like I need more hummingbirds!) :rolleyes: I hadn't taken the red ribbons off the feeder pole and the other day there were so many out here, some of them were trying to get a drink out of the ribbons! So, I went out and cut the ribbons off. I hope you get some soon! Cindy
July 29th, 2005 at 04:19 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
There are holes on either side of each container. They are the size of a skewer and about an inch from the bottoms. I am hoping that will be big enough. If not, I will make them bigger, that or go buy one. The kids thought this was fun so it was a great project for us all.
July 29th, 2005 at 06:35 PM
Joined: Aug 2003
Great pics, kudos to everyone  . I still need to figure out how to post pics in an album of my own. Any help would be appreciated. Please send a PM if you can help  . Its a little different cup, but is about 15 feet away and they fly right past it and drain the old one  . Any ideas why?
July 29th, 2005 at 09:57 PM
The Bird Man
The Bird Man
Joined: May 2005
I got my FIRST Ruby-throated Hummingbird of the year, yesterday. BF, open an account on the web for storing photos like, Photobucket.com. That is the site I use. Upload pictures from your computer to your site. Then click on the link that begins with "[img" to highlight it. Right-click on the highlighted bar and click on "Copy". Then write your e-mail and where you want the picture to appear, right-clickand choose "Paste". That's all there is. Here is My Ruby-throat. ![[Linked Image]](http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/Thornius/Ruby-throatedHummingbird.jpg)
July 30th, 2005 at 07:22 AM
Joined: Aug 2003
July 30th, 2005 at 07:41 PM
![[Linked Image]](http://smilieworx.com/smilies/scif406.gif) I love hummers! They are the coolest birds around Great pics,ya'll...thanks for sharing! G-Mom 
August 4th, 2005 at 05:25 AM
Junior Member
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2005
I am jealous of your photos of the hummers! what lens and kind of camera do you have. Also how do I upload a photo to the message?
August 4th, 2005 at 05:44 AM
Official Problem Child
Official Problem Child
Joined: Mar 2004
I used a Fuji FinePix S5100 with a 10X zoom lense. One of the members here posted a topic up in "Member Benefits" on how to post photos. Posting Pics Using Photobucket Nice to meet you! Cindy
August 5th, 2005 at 11:01 PM
Joined: Jun 2005
How nice to see so many people in one place who appreciate our little hummers.  I put up my first ever hummingbird feeder this year and now have about four or five showing up (as far as I can tell.) What a treat! Here's a picture I took the other day. It was in a shady spot, later in the day, so the it came out a little more artsy than detailed. Just thought I'd share. I'm fairly new to posting here and want to say how much I enjoy reading the stories here. What a nice peaceful place this is.  Hope you don't mind a newcomer popping in from time to time. ~Suzy~
August 6th, 2005 at 12:51 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
Suzy... Love that pic. It is more sureal and that makes it great.
Hope to see you pop in more often!
August 6th, 2005 at 03:53 AM
I really like that pic a lot Suzy...thanks for sharing it with us!!!! I just love hummers....
And you guys, don't forget to post pics of any other birdies that you want to share! Love seeing them all!
August 6th, 2005 at 07:18 AM
Joined: Jun 2005
Thank you for the nice welcome and compliments! I love this Forum and all the threads I've browsed. It seems like such a nice place to visit. I realize now that I sent the url thumbnail of my Hummer rather than the full picture. lol. Oh well, I'm a newbie. So I thought I'd post once more in regular size. Hope you don't mind. ![[Linked Image]](http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y204/Lilbitipsy/A%20Little%20Serenity/Hummingbird2.jpg) I also have little chickadees all over and managed to get a picture of one of those as well. They are just sooo cute with their little black caps!! This guy shares that little old birdhouse with the chickadees. lol. He waits for leftovers and I top them up for him. We've named him Merle. (I couldn't find the squirrel thread so I snuck him in here  ) Now if I could only snap a shot of one of the beautiful bright yellow American Finches I have around here. I just can't seem to get close enough though. Oh well, maybe someday. Hope everybody has a great weekend. ~Suzy~
August 6th, 2005 at 07:32 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing!
August 6th, 2005 at 07:20 PM
Official Problem Child
Official Problem Child
Joined: Mar 2004
August 6th, 2005 at 09:50 PM
WOW!!!!!! GREAT PICS!!!! G-Mom 
August 6th, 2005 at 11:11 PM
Joined: Jun 2005
Cindy, your pictures are Awesome! The ones on the first page too. Your poor cat. lol. Those pix are funny! That little hummer is pretty brazen sitting on the feeder while you're carrying it. This is my first year of feeding and watching them so mine are pretty timid. I can stand near them but if I make a sudden movement, they'll bolt. Do they get more comfortable as time goes by?