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#84081 February 11th, 2007 at 05:46 PM
Joined: Feb 2007
Linny Offline OP
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Joined: Feb 2007
Hi. I live in North Central Florida. The front yard is sandy with very patchy grass. Would we be wasting our time and money trying to lay sod, or should we seed it? Also, what kind of grass would grow here best,if any? The yard is about 2 acres so money is a consideration.

Thanks for any help.

#84082 February 13th, 2007 at 11:32 PM
Joined: Sep 2004
Joined: Sep 2004
I'd topdress the grass with good soil, maybe an inch thick, and let the natural grass come thru. Do it once the grass starts to grow.

#84083 February 14th, 2007 at 02:18 AM
Joined: Apr 2005
Joined: Apr 2005
spray to kill what is growing. then amend the soil and seed with bermuda, zoysia, st. augustine, etc.

consult the local county extension agent for the best in your area.

#84084 February 15th, 2007 at 02:08 AM
Joined: Feb 2007
Joined: Feb 2007
I second the RugbyHukr recommendation to start with your local extension agent. To locate a contact number: using google type in your town and state. Ask the extension service about a need for soil testing before seeding a lawn.

If several varieties are recommended ask if they can direct you to sites where that grass is growing. Be aware of what is already growing in your area. When you see something you like ask the homeowner or business for the name and if they would recommend it.

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