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#85465 March 7th, 2007 at 01:48 PM
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hello i have a new aloe plant and i need to know if i need to put it in a big pot here is a picture of it

#85466 March 7th, 2007 at 02:08 PM
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Nice can move it up to the size of the pot behind it.A heavy pot is better cause it will hold the weight of the plant as at ages.I use to keep mine potted in ground& back in a pot in winter...but its larger now and not easily done.Their roots don't go deep you can grow in a shallow pot.Evreytime I see the the pot I'd love to move mine into at the store.............It's a pot over $30.I just looked yesterday at Lowe's and seen a nice one.....$48.

One of mine is pot it's filled with babies as well as a mature plant or two.If you ever have a bad leaf you can go on and scrape the gel out and save in a jar in the fridge.I sometimes save the skins in zip lock bag in butter dish compartment for larger burns.

#85467 March 7th, 2007 at 02:10 PM
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Looks great Sandy.....i always keep a little one in the just never know when it will come in handy!!

#85468 March 7th, 2007 at 02:51 PM
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Nice Aloe, Sandy! I love is why I came here to GH! laugh laugh Now that I know not to overwater...I am a proud mom to several happy aloes! laugh laugh

#85469 March 8th, 2007 at 12:32 AM
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Actually, the only plant I have in my house now is my aloe plant and that's only for all the times I burn myself! eek With all the mature trees around my house I really can't do many plants indoors anymore. frown Of course, if we keep having ice storms and the spring storms with the high winds, I may not have many trees left. ters

Sandy, I do have my aloe planted in a very heavy pot because it gets so top-heavy. wink

#85470 March 8th, 2007 at 12:52 PM
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thanks for all the replies so i can move it to a biger pot thanks i will post pictures of the pots that i have before i repot it cause i want to make sure i havethe right kind of pot.

#85471 March 8th, 2007 at 03:08 PM
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The right kind of soil is very important, too, especially in a larger pot. Make sure you use a fast draining soil or add some grit to a regular potting soil. Unglazed clay pots are best. You've got a beautiful plant!

#85472 March 8th, 2007 at 04:52 PM
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margaret i have a plastic pot can i use it

#85473 March 9th, 2007 at 08:01 AM
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Sandy, I think Margaret's idea of a clay pot might be better because of the added weight of the pot. wink From my experience, I've found that when the Aloe Vera get bigger there is a tendency for them to become very top-heavy. eek Unglazed clay pots are usually plentiful and very reasonable. wink

#85474 March 9th, 2007 at 01:08 PM
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Sandy- I have my monster aloe vera in a plastic pot, you just have to be VERY careful to not overwater. Unglazed clay is best because it helps unused water to evaporate quicker- that helps avoid root rot( ALoes are VERY sensitive to too much water). I only water my monster when the top inch or two of soil is dry and then only a small amount of water. Soil is omportant- margaret was the one who helped me "save" my first aloe- you can buy Aloe soil, or mix plain potting soil(no perlite) with coarse sand or gravel. I think you have the basics down- your plant sure is happy- flw

#85475 March 9th, 2007 at 04:46 PM
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And give it as much sun as you possibly can!

#85476 March 10th, 2007 at 07:00 AM
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i dont have an aloe plant though my mother has always had at least one... i cant find anywhere here to get one either... i want one sooo bad couldve used it today too... i burned my thumb horribly.. lala laugh

#85477 March 10th, 2007 at 08:42 PM
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april coria do u have a wal-mart store where u live u might want to try there

#85478 March 10th, 2007 at 08:42 PM
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thank u all for ur help and susport

#85479 March 10th, 2007 at 10:36 PM
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i dont have an aloe plant though my mother has always had at least one... i cant find anywhere here to get one either... i want one sooo bad
April, do you know anyone around there that has one because they are always sprouting up baby plants, wink so it's real easy to get a start for a new plant. smile

#85480 March 11th, 2007 at 02:39 PM
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if some one can tell me how to cut some of this aloe vera of so i can trade it

#85481 March 11th, 2007 at 06:04 PM
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april coria i would love to share my aloe vera with u but i do not know where or how to split it do u or do u know of someone that can tell me how to do it

#85482 March 11th, 2007 at 06:35 PM
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patches1414 i would love to share my aloe with u but i do not know how to split it

#85483 March 12th, 2007 at 06:23 AM
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Sandy, you will see little babies coming out of the ground and those are all new plants. clp I usually just dig one of those out and repot it in a new container. wink

#85484 March 12th, 2007 at 05:26 PM
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I have babies.I also have older babies still attached.I also have 2 in their own pot thats almost 2 yrs old.

flowers/March122007plantsmovedtoporch.jpg" alt="[Linked Image]" class="post-image" style="height:auto!important;max-width:100%!important;"/>

In the photo you can clearly see the big one.The peace lilly hides most of the other.I'll snap a shot of it.

A shot of my blue kalonche in bloom.the aloe is in the have not snapped a good shot/I like the way it hangs over pot.Its pot bound,but have thinned a few out.

flowers/March122007bluekalonchoebloominGHRu.jpg" alt="[Linked Image]" class="post-image" style="height:auto!important;max-width:100%!important;"/>

It's my BIL aloe.I just look after it.He's learning how to grow TX style...different from Indpls.But I've hijacked his green pothos.It looks good where its at.

#85485 March 13th, 2007 at 03:21 AM
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Boy, you have a wonderful collection of indoor plants. clp clp I sure wish I had the room and right conditions to have plants in the house. frown

#85486 March 13th, 2007 at 11:59 AM
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they all look nice and healthy

#85487 March 13th, 2007 at 05:25 PM
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Everything does look that a shot of your porch too??

#85488 March 14th, 2007 at 01:22 PM
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yes.thats my end of it.Its 9x26.plants are out now.....unless mother-Nature changes mind.The other shot is my cold GH I just keep stuff on the dry side.If it does drop below freezeing it is protected from frost& the more sensitive stuff gets a sheet on those nights.My biggest problem is keeping it from getting too warm.I'm wanting my GH outdoors off porch.I just have to make it hubby's idea idea some of them porch plants look ratty...your just not close.Thats the BACKSIDE of peace lilly.And both arrow vines are leggy.I'll proably wad the vines in the bucket and cover with fresh soil.The spider plant has babies....that have HAD babies ( I even sent some to Norway) I had the peace lilly in house.everything else you see was cold GH.I didn't sheet the aloes this a sheet shortage with the plant increse.

Here's the aloe shot
flowers/March142007RussAloe.jpg" alt="[Linked Image]" class="post-image" style="height:auto!important;max-width:100%!important;"/>

On the other aloe post someone has a photo of the flower.I might let mine get a lil more sun,just not the harshest sun.I have rocks in bottom of my huge aloe...for balance,plus a bonus of drainage too.

#85489 March 15th, 2007 at 10:29 AM
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njoynit how can i split my aloe vera plant

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