Welcome to the forum, Crystal Rae! Hummingbirds are the most vicious, aggressive, birds in the world, despite their tiny size. They will even attack their own offspring if they see them as competition to their food source. I have had them fly up in my face buzzing and chirping LOUDLY, when their feeders are empty. Humming-birds KNOW that humans are the ones that fill the feeders, and they recognize the individual humans that ACTUALLY fill the feeders. I collect anthromorphic art, that is art that portrays non-human figures, ESPECIALLY animals, as possessing human attributes, such as intelligence, technology, and body form. Bugs Bunny or Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse are well-known examples of this art form. Here is a picture by an Anthromorphic Artist, Dark Natasha, that displays Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds in Anthromorphic form AND that demonstrates their aggressive belligerent character.