March 13th, 2007 at 12:30 PM
Joined: Mar 2007
I have a pond that I put in last year. I had trouble maintaining it because I was pregnant and HUGE. I had my baby in July. We had a lot of family issues - a suicide the day before the baby was born - a person moving into our home for 3 months with two dogs (on top of our 4) - the new baby - my bouncing hormones...needless to say my poor pond took a back seat. I tried my best but it just didn't get me anywhere.
One problem I just found I had was the fact that I was guessing my pond couldn't be more than 250 gallons. After buying pond stuff to clean it this year they had a size calculator - my pond is almost 540 gallons - which explains why I treated it with stuff last year with no affects.
I've raked a bunch of junk out of it and treated it with clear-zyme. It says to treat it once a week for a month to clean out nasty ponds. Tomorrow will be my second treatment.
If my pond is to far gone will I have to empty it and start over? I hate to do that because I don't want my fish to die. He was the lone survivor from last year. If I do have to empty it how can I insure his safety and how soon should I empty it out? I might be able to put him in a 5 gal bucket or something.
Any ideas - I need all the help I can get...
March 13th, 2007 at 01:01 PM
Joined: Feb 2007
I seem to be following you around the forums Crystal and, apart from common sense (like fill your bucket with water from the pond so that your fish does not get too traumatized by a change of water) I can't help much. But I thought you would like to see a picture of what was described as 'a garden pond in need of some attention' by the estate agents (in the US is that 'realtor' or something? The professional people selling the house) when we bought our new home just so that you know you are not alone. I think it is in need of rather more than some attention. I wonder what our army bomb disposal squad is doing next week?
March 13th, 2007 at 04:49 PM
wow. ok, here's what i'd do crystal (i'll get to you next webwise) i would not drain the pond. use a length of water hose to make a syphon hose or use a wet vac and clean the bottom. you will lose some of your water, but if you use that to water your plants they will be happy or you can pump it into a garbage can and let it settle, the put it back in the pond. that is the first thing. the next thing would be to use the cleaner like you are. and then get a pond filter going, there are several on here, i'll find a link this afternoon. finally, get a few plants, get your fish a friend, and enjoy!
March 13th, 2007 at 07:14 PM
Joined: Mar 2007
Webwise - I thought you took a pic of my pond for me - actually mine isn't that bad. This is what mine looks like: My Lone Little Fish (I didn't know he had a smoking problem): My mutts knocked some of my rocks down. This poor pond needs a real face lift...
March 13th, 2007 at 07:17 PM
Joined: Mar 2007
Jiffymouse - can you use a normal shop vac to clean the pond? I bought a pond vacum but I couldn't get it to work. I hooked it up to my hose just like the directions said but all I did was stir up dirt and nothing else...
March 13th, 2007 at 07:58 PM
Joined: Feb 2007
Sorry afgreyparrot. I just noticed you had to edit my previous post on this thread. I take it that my picture was too 'large'? I spent 30+ years as a web/computer consultant for industry where nice clean pictures were more important than speed (everyone had broadband in the last 5 years and usually the pictures were just one on one) so I am not used to watching my pixels. In future I will keep my size down or I will leave the pictures on Photobucket with a thumbnail on the forum and just put in a link from the forums so as not to gobble up your bandwidth.
March 13th, 2007 at 09:22 PM
crystal, get those butts out of the water asap!!!! the tobacco can be toxic to the fish...and he's managed to survive the winter thus far, wouldn't want him to leave just as the warm weather is arriving!!!!
March 14th, 2007 at 12:22 AM
Joined: Mar 2007
I was out there earlier and I can't find them. Either I got them when I was raking the rest of the **** out or they've blown out - we've had really bad wind today. Cigarettes are so desqusting - we don't even smoke. I don't know where they come from. I wish people would keep their trash to themselves...
March 14th, 2007 at 01:08 AM
with an extender hose, you can. just be careful. and, a pool net is great for getting garbage out of a pond. do you have a pump of some kind going? also, you do need some plants, that fish is going to be fine! until you get real plants going, float some fake ones. and look up cindy's posts, there is a good story about her and an ubrella with her pond!
March 14th, 2007 at 01:37 AM
Official Problem Child
Official Problem Child
Joined: Mar 2004
Originally posted by webwise: Sorry afgreyparrot. I just noticed you had to edit my previous post on this thread. I take it that my picture was too 'large'? Yep...the limit here is 640x480. We have a lot of members here who have dial-up, so we like to keep things running as smoothly as we can.
March 14th, 2007 at 01:52 AM
March 14th, 2007 at 11:36 AM
Joined: Mar 2007
I had some plants in the pond last year. The only thing that came if them on one very sad lily pad and that was it. I am sure it's because I was only treating my pond for one half the size so I am hoping they will do good this year. How soon can I put the water plants out? I am in zone 4 or 5. I was just out yesterday trying to dig all my pumps and filters out of the water. I think I need to get some new filters (the black meshy stuff?) because mine are gone. They are probably under the water somewhere and I haven't uncovered them. Also - when can I try to add some more fish? Should I wait till my pond is clean or until it's warmer?
March 14th, 2007 at 11:41 AM
Joined: Mar 2007
I just realizes something - those aren't cirgarette butts - that's the new fish food I got - I forgot I threw a few pieces in just to make sure he wasn't hungry. No wonder I couldn't find anything
March 14th, 2007 at 03:19 PM
oh, good! i'm really glad they're NOT butts!!!
i'd wait to add more fish until the water issue is cleared up...plus, it'll be a bit warmer then and that would also be another thing to wait for before adding new fish.
March 15th, 2007 at 01:50 AM
i agree joclyn. i was thinking in general terms. crystal, i meant floating plants. water hiacynth, duck weed, parrot feather (both kinds) such as that. those serve two purposes. one, they take the nutrients in the pond that the algae is using right now, and 2, they shade the pond, starving the algae of sunlight. i don't use much in my pond by way of chemicals... not really interested in doing that. but i will add water to it and "over fill" and i do use plants, a lot. the only thing is that most floaters do not survive your winters very well, so you will need a source to send them to you each year, or over winter them. or purchase them, like bedding annuals. i'd offer, but right now, my pond has very little and i owe way to many... if i get caught up, i'll let you know!
March 15th, 2007 at 09:36 AM
Joined: Mar 2007
I will look for those plants. My step mom said her sister's garden shop sells pond plants so I will see if they have any. I have such a big "need to get list" my husband is going to refuse to let me out of the house I am so glad I found this forum - you guys are wonderful. I have never been helped so much anywhere else. Thanks so much!
March 15th, 2007 at 09:02 PM
Joined: Mar 2006
Crystal, I'm in z6. Our stores don't get pond plants tll sometime in April or May. I saved some seeds from my one plant last yr. and have one growing inside now. Hopfuly I'll have some shade before actually needed. Sometimes it gets warm fast here. Walmart has some plants to start maybe in buckets inside till you could take them out.
March 15th, 2007 at 09:10 PM
Joined: Mar 2007
I never thought about starting them in buckets. I know my step mom's sister's place opens in April - I don't know what selection they will have. I may also look online to see what I can find. I am getting so exited about the pond this year. I was out between rain showers digging out the weeds (I think I am the only person that weeds with a shovel ) Oh well - I can't wait
March 16th, 2007 at 11:37 PM
Joined: Sep 2006
hey crystal, glad to have you here! i'm sure you will love the people!! your pond is huge! if you hook up a decorative spitter with tubing to your pump, you can just turn it around (out of the pond) and pump your water out. that is what i did last year when i let the algae take over! i put my fish in buckets with some of the pond water and gently splashed in them to give them oxygen while i was working on the pond. then when ready, i floated the buckets for about an hour and released the fish back! i also use algaefix and clarifier to keep it clear in the summer. if you use any of those, make sure it is fish and plant safe and you should do fine! i have 2 small ponds and will be putting in a small waterfall next weekend! i cant wait!!!!! good luck on yours!
March 17th, 2007 at 12:13 AM
Joined: Mar 2007
It's going to get bigger I am planning on making a two tier pond - on the back I am building it up and getting rid of the waterfall. I am going to have two seperate ponds that almost touch and then in the middle I am going to stack and layer rocks and have a pumps that goes up the middle and have water running through where it will cascade into both ponds. Big plans huh - we'll see how far I get I always have high hopes. I am raiding a creek this weekend to get more rocks. I was hoping not to have to drain the entire pond but if this treatment series doesn't work I am going to have to. I think my husband has a sump pump. I used that with all my pumps to drain my last pond before it got bulldozed. It was way smaller tho. I need to figure out how to make it look more natural tho. I can't get the plant thing down. It looked horrible last year. I am going to move my pampas grass to make it look like a stream runs into it from the back side of the house. I don't know what to do after that.