A Gardeners Forum
Posted By: Bill Episode # 3... History 101 - January 5th, 2004 at 03:47 PM
The further misadventures of Wild Willy, the Hillbilly Gardener

Early History

When I first came up with the idea of writing this column, my brain was teeming with thoughts of the many different things I could talk about...

Why then, does my mind go blank every time I sit down to write? Duh!!!

Perhaps, if I begin in the beginning, by the time I get up to today I will have figured out
what I am (or should be) talking about....

The Slightly Abridged History of Cedar Hill

Ok, I'll admit to being a little old, but not quite as old as the hills around here, so much of this information was aquired from outside sources!

Once upon a time (according to geologists), a massive glacier scraped across my hill on its way to the sea. This glacial tilling is responsible for the wide range of types, sizes and shapes of the rocks that I've found here. These rocks and boulders have become some of my favorite materials to use in the different areas of my landscape.

There is one area that has provided me with several years of recreation, excavating and searching for fossils and crystals, as well as some very large pieces of petrified wood. A friend of mine even managed to pull a few flakes of gold from my stream!


When we began to create the Dream Garden, one of the priorities was that it be Butterfly friendly. To that end, one day I set out on a quest to find a Butterfly bath... (a rock that has enough of a hollow in it to hold a bit of moisture for them). Off in the woods, I discovered what I thought was the perfect sized and shaped rock for the bath, so I grabbed the shovel and wheelbarrow and went out to get the stone. I dug....... and I dug........ and I dug some more before I could finally see the full dimensions of my little rock! (Just for the record..... I wanted a one foot rock, NOT this three foot monster!)

big rock
With bars and pulleys and chains I eventually managed to unearth my rock and slowly but surely managed to get it moved to the site of the Dream Garden. Once in place I worked to position it so that the top of it held a small pool of water for the Butterfies, but I could never get it to look the way I had envisioned. After studying the boulder further, and pondering it's possibilities I decided that a more appropriate use would be to create my first fountain!

After studying the boulder further, pondering it's possibilities, and discovering that one surface was encrusted with hundreds of garnets, I decided that a more appropriate use for my rock would be to create my first fountain!

Dream Garden

Oh Oh!!! I did it again!
For some strange reason I seem to have gotten off track once again! This is supposed to be your history lesson, so I will have to finish telling you about my fountain and the Dream Garden at a later time....

Historical details of Cedar Hill are pretty sketchy after the glaciers visited here, up until about 1450 AD, that is, when a forest of GIANT Douglas Fir Trees began to grow here..... once upon a time.....

The further misadventures of Wild Willy, the Hillbilly Gardener

Posted By: Jillie Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 5th, 2004 at 03:53 PM
Bill, what a BEAUTIFUL setting for your fountain. Good, good, good job! Another photo I could in lost in.... thumbup thumbup thumbup
Posted By: plants 'n pots Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 5th, 2004 at 04:20 PM
What a tranquil and dreamy place! I could get lost there for quite a while. Ahhhhh...
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 5th, 2004 at 06:52 PM
Really, really beautiful!!!!! I love coming in here and seeing what pics you have to share and what you have to say.... thumbup
Posted By: catlover Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 5th, 2004 at 09:00 PM
Wow all from wanting the butterflies to have a little place for water....

Can you see this from your house?
Did you haul some good sitting rocks around so you could sit and watch all the attractions the water fountain has brought?
Or did you make a trellised swing to sit and admire the attractions? thumbup

Curious Catlover
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 5th, 2004 at 09:06 PM
And when is Debbie coming to visit us??
So we can find out all she did in the garden
and how she got it to look soooooooooo pretty??
Posted By: Bill Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 6th, 2004 at 02:28 AM
Yes Karen, you can look out from the bedroom, living room or the bath and see the fountain, and a lot more. There are several sitting rocks and a canopy style porch swing where you can hang out! BTW..... you haven't even seen the big fountain yet, but you will...... someday! smile

Weezie.... Debbie did all the rock moving and heavy stuff, while I planted the flowers.... grinnnn
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 6th, 2004 at 02:44 AM
Oh, cut it out!!
Did she really??
Or you makin' that up??

Posted By: Bill Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 6th, 2004 at 02:49 AM
Weeeeeezie..... is that what you really think of me? frown
Posted By: tamara Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 6th, 2004 at 03:00 AM
BEAUTIFUL!!!! Now that has got to be one of the most tranquil spots I've seen in a while, keep the pics coming Bill.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 6th, 2004 at 03:50 PM
You Have a beautiful place Bill, I hope in a few years to either get this place the way it should be(spend all time and resources in garden), or relocate to zone 5 or 6 muggs
Posted By: LF from MC Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 7th, 2004 at 05:15 AM
Bill, That is just gorgeous!!! flw flw
Posted By: gardengal Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 7th, 2004 at 04:59 PM
That is just a truly amazing fountain. Absolutely beautiful Bill.
Posted By: Flower Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 7th, 2004 at 07:00 PM
It's beautiful Bill. Such a wonderful place you have created. I love it, and I bet the butterflies do too!
Posted By: moonstar Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - January 14th, 2004 at 03:16 PM
This is beautiful! I don't even know where to start to do something like that. All I do is vegetable gardens.. I would love to do something like this. My house is out in the country in a field.. NO grass just sand... Where would I start? A garden would be great in the middle of my circle drive...
Posted By: Wild Willy Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - March 15th, 2004 at 05:29 AM
Posted By: Sue Z Re: Episode # 3... History 101 - March 9th, 2005 at 06:04 PM
Bill, YOU are becoming my fav book, to read. laugh

Man, I bet you and the Mrs. just sit and enjoy that fountains sound and beauty, for hours on end. wavey
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