A Gardeners Forum
Posted By: Bill Episode # 2... Yard Art - January 3rd, 2004 at 04:27 PM
The further misadventures of Wild Willy, the Hillbilly Gardener

Yard Art...

Now...... where was I? Oh, yeah...... we were discussing my mountain, weren't we?

Did I ever mention to you that if you wander off yonder a ways, you can view about 200 miles of the Cascade Mountain Range? (What you see depends on where you are standing at the time!)

Cascade Mountains

Cascade Mountains

The view may always be there, but every couple years I have to go down the side of the mountain to clear away some of the Alders and Maple Trees that have grown enough to distract from the beauty of the scenery!

Now, I don't want you to think that I am anything but "gung ho" when I start a project like clearing the trees from the view, but I'll admit that once in a while I get a tiny bit off track.....

heart tree
Two years ago, as I headed down the side of the hill I came across a forked Alder that caught my attention... It was early Spring, and the branches of the Alder were pliable, so with a little twisting and manipulating I formed the branches into a heart!

It would have much easier and quicker to create if I had opted to use twine to hold the branches in place, but in my mind that would have been cheating! The basic shape was fairly easy to accomplish by bringing the two outer branches together and intertwining them, using the new leaf buds as "stops" that interlocked the two. A third smaller branch was used to pull the center of the heart down to define the shape more clearly. Two or three times a year, I go back and do a bit of pruning and to weave any new branches into the pattern. My "heart" is only five feet tall now, but with luck there will come a day when you can wander off yonder and view my mountains right through my heart!

[Linked Image from thegardenhelper.com]

Before I close for today I suppose a few of you would like to know what I did with my Cedar logs.... Maybe?

The logs made an excellent bench to sit on as I pondered what to do with them, but...... naw...

I considered Loz's idea of using the logs as pillers on each side of the entry into the bird garden, but when I stood them in place... well, they just didn't look right because of the size difference.

However, once I moved the short log over next to the tall one, I knew that I was close to figuring out what they would become....


I'm probably the only person in the world with a 800 pound birdhouse! More precisely, I used the logs to create a combination bird house/bird feeder/squirrel den/planter!

There were several rotted knots that I dredged out slightly in the hope that the local song sparrows would find suitable for creating homes. Happily, the sparrows DID find the holes to their liking! Even better, two days later, a Northern Flicker began to excavate into the largest of the holes!

The top of the tall log was completely hollow so I cut a circle of plastic and laid it in the bottom of the 2 foot hole to help divert the majority of water away from the areas of the bird holes. Then I filled the hole with compost and planted a large sword fern in it!

The shorter log has a few more bird homes in it. I use the top as a bird feeding area!

I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but a Douglas Red Squirrel decided to build his burrow underneath the taller log.

All in all, I am pretty pleased with the end result of this project! The photo was taken before everything was completed, but you can get an idea of what I did. It seems that these logs will probably be a very busy place next Spring. I'll post a new photo for you then!

birdhouse planter

The further misadventures of Wild Willy, the Hillbilly Gardener

Posted By: Jillie Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - January 3rd, 2004 at 04:56 PM
Wow! Aren't you the clever Willy! Duh
You idea is much more forest-friendly! Can't wait to see the Spring photos. Love yer living heart, too!
Posted By: weezie13 Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - January 3rd, 2004 at 05:30 PM
I didnt see the holes before,
did you show them?
I would of said a planter...
my brother was cutting wood for my mom
and we found one with a hole in it,
we're going to plant something in it too
this spring...


Posted By: barleychown Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - January 3rd, 2004 at 05:39 PM
Wow! Much better than my idea! thumbup
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - January 3rd, 2004 at 09:34 PM
Bill you are so creative.......and the birds will love you for it!!! thumbup
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - January 4th, 2004 at 08:14 PM
Now that is REALLY yard art. When I saw that caption, I thought it was going to be about cement stuff, and gazing balls, which I happen to like. I keep asking for "yard art" for birthdays and Christmas, but never get any because my children think it's tacky. I'll run pictures of your yard art by them and get their expert response. wink
Posted By: tamara Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - January 4th, 2004 at 10:56 PM
Beautiful view, I'm jealous. It's so funny because I did the same thing with a cedar log except I planted tame strawberries in the knot holes, the neighbours kids drove their parents crazy looking for big berries in the trees on their own property.
Posted By: Jillie Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - January 5th, 2004 at 02:23 AM
Tamera, that's so funny! laugh
You are a clev-er gardener... thumbup I'm always looking for different ways to plant & odd things to plant stuff IN.
Posted By: Flower Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - January 7th, 2004 at 07:35 PM
ooOOoo it's beautiful....wonderful job Bill.
Posted By: Wild Willy Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - March 15th, 2004 at 05:27 AM
Posted By: Sue Z Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - March 9th, 2005 at 05:52 PM
WOW! From what I have seen thus far of all your beauty there at your home, I should have guessed you would create something more than mere planters as you sound like a 'giver' of all the great things wavey
Posted By: darlene87 Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - August 5th, 2005 at 12:49 PM
Ok Bill, I live in Wa. also. Where is Cedar Hill? I know where the Cascades are!!! Do I have to look on a map? Love your topics tho.
Posted By: Bill Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - August 7th, 2005 at 02:22 PM
Hi Darlene! wavey
Cedar Hill is 40 miles northeast of Seattle and 2 miles due south of Sultan...)
You won't find it named on any maps yet, because I named it myself... shocked

I'll bet that someday we'll be on the map tho!!! grinnnn
Posted By: Xetox Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - May 18th, 2006 at 04:01 AM
Thats a great idea, I would like to find a log like that to put back in the coner of our yard smile
Posted By: Shirley4 Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - December 3rd, 2006 at 07:00 AM
What a beautiful sentement!! luv You have poetry of the soul!!!
Posted By: Shirley4 Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - December 3rd, 2006 at 07:02 AM
Sorry, I didn't put there what sentiment was so special to me:

(My "heart" is only five feet tall now, but with luck there will come a day when you can wander off yonder and view my mountains right through my heart!)
Posted By: Shirley4 Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - February 4th, 2007 at 12:27 AM
Bill, could you please give us an updated picture of 'your heart' since 2004:
Posted By: penny in ontario Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - February 5th, 2007 at 03:55 PM
Yes please!!
Posted By: sibyl Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - February 12th, 2007 at 09:14 AM
i would like to see that too!!!!
Posted By: datazmom Re: Episode # 2... Yard Art - March 8th, 2007 at 04:02 PM
Very nice pics . I love the yard art . Kepp up the good work .
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