I have had many Goldfinches and Junco's at my feeders this winter--(and other interlopers as well)---but I have a pair of birds I am not familiar with.--and it would be so much easier if I had a picture but I do not (sorry)---at any rate--
the male bird is larger than a finch but has a red crested throat & upper breast and most of his head is red as well. He is otherwise brown---the female is a plain brown and a bit smaller---they seem to prefer the thistle, but have no problem eating from my cracked corn/ mixed wild bird
seed feeder. I know the discription is vague, but any help would be appreciated.
FYI: Saturday the Male was trying to fly into either my front door window or perhaps he was looking over the wreath I have on the front door. it has a birds nest w/ with a 'bird' sitting at the bottom.--I am now considering removing the bird---as my sister has a bird that builds its nest in her front door wreath each year.