1. This ceramic lady was such a lovely, delicate piece that even though the little bird sitting on her skirt had a broken wing, I just had to take her home with me from a Goodwill store! I've loved her for several years!

2. I thought this little pot was unusual because of the running-mixed pale colors, with the contrast of the darker stopper!! The creator didn't like it and was going to through it away!!!

3. This little quilting lady was just simply ME!! How could I leave her to her fate??
I got her at the end of the day at a flee-market when they they want to get rid of everything quick....50cents!!! Loz would be proud!!

(see the tiny needle in her hand?!)
4. This little dish is so colorful and especially when the sun shines through it!! I'll bet you could make some pretty sun-catchers this way!!!
The colored bits of tissue paper are decoupaged to the back of the glass dish.
The child who made this in a craft class thought it was ugly!!

I convinced him it was beautiful, and PAID him for it! He was very happy,
and I proudly display it!! :wink:
5. This little geranium was at Kroger, outside, sitting very forlornly among a long line of totally dead, brown plants!!! It was awful!!! I could not leave it there, with it trying to look alive and happy among such death!!! It is such a sweet pink and white shade. I took it home (another 50cents well spent!) and repotted it. AND...I love it to pieces (I talk to it, and tell it how sweet and pretty it is, and touch it and pet it!!