houseplant, with the exception of cacti and
succulents, like high humidity. Misting is a way to raise humidity, but you'll need to do it several times a day to be effective. Often, heat or dry conditions can cause plant foliage tips to turn brown and dry out. If this occurs, use scissors to cut off the browned tips at an angle.
Large, smooth-leaved plants are frequently collectors of dust. In normal housekeeping chores, wash or wipe away dust to keep the plant attractive and to keep it photosynthesizing at its best.
Foliage that turns yellow and falls off indicates many different things: too much or too little light; high temperature; overwatering or poor drainage; too much or too little fertilizer; or polluted air. A certain amount of yellowing foliage and leaf drop is normal and should be expected.
growing conditions to see if any could be causing the problem. Make sure the plant is not too hot, wet, or dry; has the right amount of light; and has enough fresh air.