First thing, don't worry so much about fc's and light meters. The light that your plants get is cumulative, and changes daily with the weather, season, and time of day. Philodendron and peace
lily are both able to adapt to low light, although they do best in medium light conditions.
Low light is that in which you can read a book, but not very comfortably. Medium light is that in which you can read and work comfortably, a condition found in offices. Medium high light is that found near north and east windows, and high light is that found near south and west windows. Windows of course are subject to outside shading from trees and bushes, and curtains and shades indoors.
Grow lights sound all scientific and special, right, so they must be good. Truth is, they do more for the manufacturers than for plants. The best artificial light for plants is cool white fluorescent. Anyway, they need to be close to the plants to do them any good, if the ambient (the average of the light throughout the day)light is too low.
In terms of fc's, under 100 is low, 100-500 is medium, 500-1000 is med high, 1000-1500 is high. This is in reference to indoor plants only. Outside is completely different.