I am interested. I still have my list from last year but I know there are some addresses that I don't have that would be nice if people are interested.
Last year I think Loz volunteered to do it...but that might have been year before last...I can't keep track of what day it is, let alone what year it is. Anyway, whoever wanted on the list sent their name and address to Loz...when she got all the names she PM'd the list of names and addresses to everyone.
Thanks, Cindy for telling me---us...
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
If you want a card and want to be put on the master list PM me and let me know. Make sure you give me your address, just in case it's changed.....I'll make up the master liste and PM it out to those that would like it by November 15th....so we have just over a month to get names on it.
And remember that by giving me your address you're giving me permission to share it with others....by others I don't mean random new people.....just regulars that we all know. If there is anyone in particular you want to make sure doesn't have your address for any reason you can let me know and I'll make sure I make note of it.
I enjoyed doing it last year so I may as well do it again!
I've been waiting for someone to start this topic since August! {if you remember from last year i was forcing myself to not send them as long as possible, but still mailed them out the beginnig of november :Lol: :Lol: ]
Mark! I do believe yours was the second card I got! Sheri's was the first because she had sent me seeds and I think I just got an early card since she was sending me seeds.
Diane, it's a darn good thing I can't get full! Although I do try to keep them whittled down.
Loz you are wonderful. I couldn't remember for the life of me how it worked last year but I know I really enjoyed the cards from everyone. Even the purple glove that managed to sneak into one card lol. Please put me on the list.
I have a question if we want to do E-Cards can we send them to our pm's? Is there a way to do that? If not could we add our e-mail address to the address list? Or would that be to much work for you Loz? It's just a thought. It would save on postage big time and I already belong to one of those card websites.
When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. Mary Ann LaPensee
Maybe those that can't afford to take part in the gift swap would still like to exchange cards...we're actually down to 16 people now so that's less than a book of stamps so far and a few boxes of cheap cards. Not pressuring anyone at all though...just saying that it's a lot of cheer that's spread near the holidays for not too much money.
Mom decided not to take part because she's just got too much to get done when she gets home and a lot of shopping and decorating to do.
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