I want to take the Magic School Bus ,,,, but only if it's driven By Wild Willy . The Magic School Bus will have fairys in it telling me all their favorite flowers and when to plant them ,, so I can learn More secrets to attract fairy's,, Then the magic school bus will pick up More members of the GardenHelper so we can ALL be together and learn to feel the magic ,, and we soon would ,,, because.... our destination will Be The Cedar Hill's Bus stop,,... Where the Magic School Bus Belongs!!
"Grace without perfection is more to be desired than perfection without grace."
HUH?????????? That was My reason For wanting to ride the Magic school Bus to learn about fairys and Magic and the place to do that is to go to Cedar Hill Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
"Grace without perfection is more to be desired than perfection without grace."
I'm a full time student and botanist/horticulturalist in training!! I'm young, willing to work, and willing to learn...what more can you ask! Besides a student deserves to be on a school bus...magic or not!! ^_^
Helping the world one seed at a time
When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. Mary Ann LaPensee
I'm gonna get on the bus that takes me to you-Oww my the Majic Bus--I want it, I want it-ya can't have it!-------
well I may not get much when it comes to memory--but then it is the thought that counts.
i think you should let me on the majic bus so I can come visit you.--AND because you did NOT have to listen to me try to sing "Magic Bus"--did I mention I cannot carry a tune in a bucket???
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
Take Maxi ~~~ he has an imagination par excellance -- bar none! He can out-imagine, out dream, out fantasy any 20 adults I know and all with a wistful good cheer too.
We were given two hands to hold, two eyes to see, two ears to listen & two legs to walk. But why were we given only one heart? The other heart was given to another for us to find.
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