Every year around November I start thinking about what plants I will need to bring back in the house ,, and start debugging them. The last two years I've had a time of it bring in the rubber tree I almost had to lay it completely down to take it in by top in first,,
This year IT will absolutely have to be layed completely down and start back 7FT 10 inches to get in and that measurement is only from the top of the soil to the top leave, not including the pot,, Uhhhhhhhhhh anyone wanna come over and help me get it in the house Also the last two years AFTER I got it inside I loped the top of the tree off and place what was cut back into the pot This year I am not going to that ,, Just because uhh welllllll I don't want to,,, serious tho I am going to do that in the spring next year when I take it back outside.
The Wind blew it over this afternoon so I took out all the stakes and re-staked it and tied up some of the branches . It was so one sided heavy that it didn't stand a chance in the wind. It is really fuller than it looks I have it tied back this way to make it easier to bring it in ~ after it's in the house I'll release or relieve some of the branches! :wink:
"Grace without perfection is more to be desired than perfection without grace."
i usually only repot my plants when either i need the pot, or there is no more soil in the pot for all the roots. but i'm kinda lazy that way. if it's happy, i say leave it alone!
That is soooo cool Diane....I remeber you taking it out and bringing it in the past few years. I was thinking the pot looked small for such a big plant....Mine isn't as big as your and it's in a bigger pot, I think it needs repotted actually and I've been too lazy to do it.
I know Loz The pot is small I think it's 12" high there isn't even drainage holes although I do have horticuture charcol and some peagravel in the bottom,, I would probably have to break the pot to it out next spring,, Well I guess that leaves me plenty of time to find the right size, shape and color pot tho!!
"Grace without perfection is more to be desired than perfection without grace."
Okay My Rubber tree is inside now,, Where it is now ,,, I have approx a foot between the top of the plant and the ceiling,, Yep I'm gonna have to lob off the top I guess because I'm afraid the Heat will get to it,, the Heat vent is in the ceiling,, So I'm wondering if it would dry out the top of this too fast over the winter months,
"Grace without perfection is more to be desired than perfection without grace."
Thanks Jiffy,, I'm trying to avoid losing leaves,, I sent it against a wall that is furthest from the Vent,, Tho it won't get as much all day lighting,it will get afternoon light .. SOoo Now I wait and see,,
"Grace without perfection is more to be desired than perfection without grace."
How in the world do you get your rubber tree looking so good? I have one that tall that is now almost totally bare. I just don't know what to do with it...
How in the world do you get your rubber tree looking so good? I have one that tall that is now almost totally bare. I just don't know what to do with it...
I wrestle it to get outside every spring it gets southern exposure but is against the house so it doesn't get direct sun in the summer until around six as the sun begins to go down. I have lobbed the top off 2 times already,,( last two years) but wanted to avoid doing it again this winter. I have the soil almost like a cactus soil but with a little more reg potting soil mixed in with cactus soil and a little bit of orchid mix mixed in it also,, ( I'm always experimenting with soils ) ,, Looks like this one worked out!! OH,, and there are No holes in the bottom of the pot ,, But I have horticulture Charcol in the bottom of the pot,, all the above or just lucky I guess
If yours is almost bare,, Lop it off 6 inches under the uppermost leave growth,, and stick it back into the same pot,, it will root and grow,, then on the remaining stock Notch slightly at a 45 degree angle three alternate notches around the stock it will produce more leaves,,/Limbs,, Give it a good flushing of Superthrive 2 drops pergallon.. !! then don't water again for 4 weeks, then return to regular watering,, Remember in the winter don't water as often! :wink:
"Grace without perfection is more to be desired than perfection without grace."
not pitiful at all. cut that tall leafless part off and it will bush some more. it is a beautiful plant, and will only grow "taller" if it is outside reaching for the sky.
That plant looks good!!!!! Nice and full!! I can't see the top of the plant are there any leaves at the top at all?? IF there is Lop it off 6" in the leaves and put that in the soil.. then cut what is left down even with the tallest growth of a full branch,,,,,, How much light is it getting where you have it sitting> how far away from a window??? IF at all possible take it outside in the spring and summer months,, it will truely thank you for it!!
"Grace without perfection is more to be desired than perfection without grace."
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