There is a road at the end of our village that goes up a hillside into the mountains. It is a town owned road and on it is the recycling center, a new sports complex where the high school plays football and soccer games, a composting site, a town owned greenhouse, a large conference center, and a dump that is far off the road at the end. I drove up this road in search of colorful trees to photograph, and while near the top, a very pretty cat looked out at me from the side of the road - the most gorgeous AUBURN and white I've ever seen. I called out to it, and he came running over to my car. I then got out of the car - there were no other cars or people in sight on this dead-end road, and he started meowing up a storm and rubbing my legs and winding in and out and around my legs non-stop!!!
He was very clean, but did not have a tag or collar. He was one of the most affectionate cats I have ever come across, and even jumped into my car, as I had left the door open. After exploring the inside for a bit, he jumped back out and resumed rubbing my legs and purring. I just had to play with him for a long time. He even rolled on his back for a tummy rub, kneeding the air the whole time - AWWWWWW! I was sooooooo torn as to what to do!
There are no houses on that long and winding road. There ARE some houses near the base of the road, but I'm not sure he belongs to anyone there. He just seemed too clean and FRIENDLY to be a feral cat though.
We really can't afford to fix and feed another cat right now, but I was so torn about leaving him outside if he was someone's indoor cat. But then again... would he be able to survive being outside when it gets cold if he doesn't find his way home??? The awful shelters here are KILL shelters, so that's not an option.
I ended up leaving him there, which was most difficult for me, especially after finding out about Fraidy's fate this past summer... But... I do plan on driving up that road again on Tuesday, and if he is still there I might just have to take him!
Tough decision there. You have awfully cold winters. If he/she was still there, far from homes, I would probably take it home.
i was thinking the same thing. i have a couple of "feral cats" that i want to catch and have fixed at one of the clinics. because they live on my land, and i don't want any more cats. but i don't want to have these put down either.
aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww! he or she? it was probably DUMPED! if it is still there, you gotta get it! are there any low cost spay/neuter clinics in your area? the 3 i picked up this year were paid for by the area group here. if you can't take it, can you set up some warm shelter for it since there is nothing around there? :ding:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I would have taken it or at least gone back the next day to see if it was still around,, then probaly would have taken with me ~ took a picture and printed copies with a email addy and dropped it in mail boxes along the route
He/she is certainly clean , bright eyes , appears to have been taken care of well,, and He/she was happy and people friendly tells me that he is used to being around people that are loving,, as he/she trusted a stranger,, Maybe someone is looking for it??
"Grace without perfection is more to be desired than perfection without grace."
I haven't seen any signs around, but then again, this area is on the way out of town and up into the mountains. Since I first saw him today, I figured I'd go back on Tuesday - I can't go Monday, and a friend said she'd go with me on Tuesday - she's also a cat lover but cannot take another one in because her one and only has feline leukemia.
Oh, and NO low cost places for getting them fixed - believe me we have looked and called!
I haven't seen any signs around, but then again, this area is on the way out of town and up into the mountains. Since I first saw him today, I figured I'd go back on Tuesday - I can't go Monday, and a friend said she'd go with me on Tuesday - she's also a cat lover but cannot take another one in because her one and only has feline leukemia.
Oh, and NO low cost places for getting them fixed - believe me we have looked and called!
been there, done that! that is another reason why some of mine kitties are seperated....some have been exposed to both leukemia and aids!
our county does not, but the next county to the southeast, and to the north east both have them. the one on the northeast has no requirements for residency, not sure about the southeast county. if they don't that is where my yard cats are going...
Have you been back yet? Im a cat lover, He looks a beautiful cat, I would take him home. Then put up a poster to near where I found him and hope that no one claims him.
Hi all - I went back a week ago Tuesday - sorry - I thought I had posted!
The kitty was nowhere in sight, so I'm hoping he found his way home. I really didn't want to take someone else's cat, and he was so affectionate and friendly, he just HAD to belong to someone!
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