Hey if anyone gets any multiples of the autumn potted plant I would love one and would be willing to send a gift for it.....see I have a rare plant room and it's filling up but I would love to put that in there so bad.
My exclusive for my Daisy Cow was the Ribbon/Bow plant, I was happy to get that because I didn't have it for that room.
I'm tired of getting Cider.
Rachel, I told my sis today that I wouldn't mind webkinz for Christmas myself....she can get them now at Crackerbarrel with her discount for only 8.99 for the big ones.....I'm determined to get that darn collie dog. The reindeer will be cute though. And I'm interested to see what Crackerbarrel is getting that's exclusive....I'll have to have that one too.
How many does Brennan have now? And how many do you have?
Loz, are you wanting the potted elm? I've got 2 of those.
Brennan has 26 or 27 now. And I've got 1 put up for Christmas and going after the reindeer tomorrow. I don't have any. I got to name a couple of them but that's it. It wouldn't do me any good to have one for 'myself'. Brennan would just snag it. He sleeps with everyone of them piled up next to him at night and takes them everywhere. We have a huge shopping bag that he fills up everytime we go somewhere.
(the new and improved Mrs. rachelc)
If you never have you should. These things are fun and fun is good.
I was robbed! I was getting into my dock. While it was 'getting items from storage' a leaf blew by. It wouldn't let me click on it.
Loz, that cidar was too funny. I hadn't got any on Brennan's acct yet. After you sent it to me, I got one less than 2 minutes later.
I got an extra fridge for the halloween treats so I could hold onto the holiday items. I think I'll get another for the fall items. Maybe make a room of specials occasion stuff.
(the new and improved Mrs. rachelc)
If you never have you should. These things are fun and fun is good.
Oh no, that happened to my best friend....she couldn't click on the leaf. I love that plant!!!! It looks great in my rare plant shop room!
BTW, the fridge thing is a good idea....I converted my storage room into a fridge room....I think I have 10 fridges in there full of food from my dock because I was tired of my dock being so full.
WEll, technically it is Brennan's fault. Mommy wouldn't have brought it up if it hadn't been for him. He's just too cute to blame, though. Hey I've got a good idea. We'll blame it on the little girl Brennan went to school with that brought that blasted white poodle to school one day. It was all downhill after that.
Loz, don't feel bad about your 9. Think of how much money I have tied up in Brennan's.
(the new and improved Mrs. rachelc)
If you never have you should. These things are fun and fun is good.
From me getting mine it spread to Athena now having 4 of them, and my best friend Mel buying one, my best friend Jen buying her son Noah about 10 of them, plus one for her and her fiancee, and her parents both have one. Funny how it spreads like that.
I always liked stuffed animals more than dolls...if I were a kid now I'd have a gazillion of them like Brennan.
I've kinda looked at it like the Cabbage Patch Kid thing. When I was little you HAD to them or your elementary school life would be over. So, my Mommy got me tons of them. Everytime I think I'm wasting money on the Webkinz I remember it's my job as a mother to waste money on what Brennan thinks is important.
(the new and improved Mrs. rachelc)
If you never have you should. These things are fun and fun is good.
Right, I had a few of them .....I keep forgetting we're the same age(although okay, I'm a TAD older)....my fav. though was pound puppies...now I buy them on ebay, the original ones.
Webkinz are so cool though for the price..to get internet play included is just amazing to me.....I will have a superbed by Christmas.
Brennan has some of my old Pound Puppies. He loves any stuffed animal.
After you get the first superbed, you'll get one every fifth pet. 15, 20, etc. I really like the dragon bed. Brennan hasn't wanted that one yet. Maybe when we hit 30 he'll go for it.
(the new and improved Mrs. rachelc)
If you never have you should. These things are fun and fun is good.
He has the daredevil bed, fantasy coach bed, starburst cloud bed and he got the big top circus bed last and sent it to Nosey (elephant) that lives with Tiny Jo.
(the new and improved Mrs. rachelc)
If you never have you should. These things are fun and fun is good.
Tina, when things get back to normal for you, I have a question about trading. I really want the bowling alley for my daughter Jocelyn, and I have a majestic chair(I think that's what it is) that I don't need or want. How can I trade ??
Tina, when things get back to normal for you, I have a question about trading. I really want the bowling alley for my daughter Jocelyn, and I have a majestic chair(I think that's what it is) that I don't need or want. How can I trade ??
I will trade a bowling alley for your throne. They are about the same value. I bought the b. alley for trading, anyway. Do you want me to send it to her or to you?
Drama Free Zone. What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
And whose fault is this all CINDY???? Whose fault is it that I have 9 Webkinz now? Huh?
I went back to the old forum and tried to find the first Webkinz topic...but it was deleted... ...by me.
Oh, I have a good memory on this one, Cindy. It was definitely YOU who started this whole mess!
I have one, my grown daughters have one and two, my two little kids each have 9, my BF has one. I'm bummed that the studio is still down, but it may be my fault. My BF and I were making some really good movies for each other!
Oh Tina , that is sooooooooooooooooo cool. I really didn't want to trade with a stranger, I'd be too nervous. You can send it directly to Snowler's account. I'm going to send you the chair right now. Then I have to leave to visit my son and then off to work........
I wanted to get rid of this throne because it just didn't look right in my room. I moved it this morning after deciding that I was going to get rid of it, into another room and figures, it looks great in the other room. I'm still going to part with it though, I just don't need it.
I get to store the P. soup in my dock, huh? Sending now. I only trade at WI. They have some strict rules and kick people out fairly easily for messing up. I feel fairly safe. I have 20 pets in 2 accounts. And I do blame Cindy.
Drama Free Zone. What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
Well Cindy tried to blame Brennan. But i had never met Brennan before kinzpost so it couldn't possibly be his fault. In actual pets, Ted has a cheeky monkey, a polar bear, 2 frogs, a chocolate lab and a black cat (his fav). I have the code for the bull frog from Patunia. The rest are all virtual pets from cards; monkeys (4), golden retrievers (4), pandas (3) and frogs (2). Please don't make me name them!
Drama Free Zone. What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
I can't believe how many Webkinz all of you have! Actually I can! I still just have 1 and I don't always get my dailies done but I try. I have one for Tristen if they ever offer DSL at my house. Sometimes I can't get WW to work at home with the dial up and I know he will be upset if he can't get into it so I have just been saving it for him.
I chose the dragon bed first because it breathes smoke. I have traded it for the cloud bed because someone's kid was heart-broke when he clicked on the wrong one.
Drama Free Zone. What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
After you adopt so many pets, they stop giving you new rooms and give you KC instead. That has really pumped up our cash. And we don't spend as much on rares because we get them with the pets (and from the Webkinz fairy!). They give more gifts (rares and exclusives) after you've adopted a bunch.
(the new and improved Mrs. rachelc)
If you never have you should. These things are fun and fun is good.
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