Greetings from west central Nebraska in
zone(s) 5b and 4a.
I have a question about dividing my hardy hibiscus. The plants are vigorous and outgrowing the area where they are planted by a driveway. When would be the best time to do this and what words of wisdom does someone have for me? Or is it even possible?
I was warned that they would not grow in my area but I have proved the nay sayers wrong. Dinner plate blossoms, red, white w/red, white and pink ones. They have seeded down several years and I have always removed the new plants but this year they were left alone and I plan on transplanting them in the
spring. They usually pop their green stems out around June 1st but this year they were at least two weeks early because of our unusual
spring. Still did just fine. Love them...get alot of compliments about them.
Thank you....NebraskaBetty