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#154406 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 05:29 AM
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I want to hear all about the shopping today.

I'm sure Loz has on her ball cap and is raring through. lol

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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#154463 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 10:20 AM
Loz is back, and broke and tired---and IS wearing a ball cap. lol Hey I did get makeup on today though....

I took video clips all morning and I will share them after I load em up later......

It was fun and I barely slept last night I was so excited. lol

I woke up at 3am this morning, and was up on the hour EVERY hour to use the bathroom so I'm tired now.

Taking my stuff upstairs and I'll post more later.

#154466 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 10:24 AM
I swear it's like the night before Christmas, I don't sleep good then either. lol

I bet Jessica didn't sleep good last night either. lol

U know the lights that are supposed to always work, the ones Bill bought? I got 3 sets today, they all worked, put them up turned them on and a lot aren't working....could it be because they are shorting from being wrapped around the metal posts outside? I'm so PO'd at that right now.

#154489 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 11:08 AM
Yes they were all piggybacked, 3 sets together....I will try that out although I'm not sure how to do the length I want to do without the piggybacking......*sighs* Thank the Wild Willy for me....I'll start one set from one end of the porch, and the other 2 sets from the other.

#154501 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 11:31 AM
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is it still morning? think so- Carrie and I got up and went at 5 this morning- we hit Wally's, Target- Bed Bath and Beyond, and Kohl's... I am practically done shopping now...Yay!I got myself a couple presents too- a new printer- scanner- copier... and a new digital camera - for only $150 . for both!Got a lot of the grands stuff- and stocking stuffers too- Actually did very well and after we were done shopping we went to IHop for breakfast--- was nice to sit for a while and visit- usually we have the boys with us and have to talk over and around them--- was just us this time and kind of nice... they are heading up to her in-laws time share tomorrow to spend a few days -so I am don't have the boys till next Wed... Joe is off Mon - Wed so we will so the decorating of the house then too and finish up shopping ... will be nice to be done fairly early in the month...

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#154524 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 01:06 PM
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I guess Black Friday is like our Boxing Day(Dec.26)~You could trampled in a minute.

So is Loz all done shopping? Wonder how Jessica faired out?

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Sunflowers #154556 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 03:46 PM
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I already posted this in another thread,, but I'll put it here too,,! :wink:

I'm still tired after all that cooking!! This morning at 4a.m. I got a phone call from Dwight's Daughter,, ( Don't ya just hate those wee hours of the morning phone calls boohoo ,,, they scare me nervous ,, I always think something terrible happened to someone I love tears ,, ) I get a Loud GOOD MORNING yelled in my ear, rolz

GET UP WE'RE going shopping,,
WE?? WE WHO ? I said.. why

WE You and I

NOOOOOOOO Not I uhuhh touched

Yes YOU!!

NO NOOOOO Not I uhuhh uhuhh

YES YOU ARE GET UP I'm Driving over to get you,, BE READY!!!!!!!then she hung up


DING DONG over and over and over again went the door bell,, Emmy Barking Her lungs out,, I'm still in bed,, Grumbling and swearing as I answer the door,, madd
ME - DEDE - COME ON!!!!!!!!! LETS GO clap <, The store is already OPEN,, THis Gift is for you and DWIGHT TOGETHER early Christmas Present grin ~ BUT YOU get to Pick it out thumbup ,, COME ON NOW !!!!!!!! LETS GO! clap

SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!! WElllllll I Felt I should go seeings how I get to pick it out! notme

That Girl Got me and Dwight a 42 inch LCD flat thin HDTV shock ~~~~~~~ AWESOME!! grin

It was an unadvertised special 50% off at Conn's Electronics,,, She had found it on line,,,, We got there at 4:45 a.m. Everyone else in the packed parking lot was there for washers and dryers,, and SideXside stainless steel refridgerators,, Dede bought 4 of those TVS shock I have spent the better part of the day Hooking up the home theater system, and sattilite, called direct tv to bring the HD Box over,, and rearranging the frontroom,, I took the entertainment cabinet out to the garage and used it to store my gardening needs in,, and put the old TV here in the computer room,,,
I think tonight I can get some sleep,, I'm turning off the phone,, and turning the breaker off to the frontporch light and door bell,, neenee lol lol

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Well Cindy, I guess Valarie & I are Crazy too !!

We poured over the sale bills yesterday as our Thanksgiving Dinner digested.
When I left I said call me if we are going shopping.----

This AM I woke up at 4:30--but still had no call--so I slept 'til 6:25--Val called then & said meet me at Kohl's. We got all kinds of goodies.--I even got my sister an $85.00 necklace for $28.00. (I have her name in the family gift exchange) I got Valarie a $30.00 skirt for $11.00 and I bought her "The Magic Bullet" and saved about $30.00. YES!! (she has wanted one for about 4 years)

OH!! and I bought myself 2 gifts--(in the tradition of Loz's buy yourself a gift!! idea--- I got a small bottle of White Diamonds and a handled brush scrubber that holds dish soap--(yea I know it is useful--BUT I have been looking for one for about 10 years.)

And ya know what??? I had so much FUN!!! this should become a tradition!!!!

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #154559 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 04:36 PM
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My son camped out at Best Buys starting at 5:00 PM yesterday to take advantage of an E-Machine computer with Canon Printer and LCD monitor for $199.00. HE GOT IT!!! And it's a BEAUT! 160 Gb HD, DVD RW, and Windows Vista. He's a computer tech and is tweaking it up to a super machine.

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Kingdoms RAGE and go to war...but the PEasants plant potatoes..

EARTH FIRST! (we'll strip-mine the OTHER planets later.)
Thornius #154568 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 04:53 PM
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WOW! That sounds like the exact one that my daughter camped out @ 9 last night and got for me this morning! Great kids we got!

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#154574 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 05:01 PM
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I saw a 'magic bullet' once. It was in a VERY adult store.

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#154578 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by afgreyparrot
Originally Posted by JunieGirl
and I bought her "The Magic Bullet" and saved about $30.00. YES!! (she has wanted one for about 4 years)

I don't even want to know what that is. shock blush notme

Tina, one day I will learn how to double quote posts--but for now---

A Magic Bullet is that special/glorified Blender thing they advertise in the informercials on TV.--

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
melcon6 #154586 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by melcon6
WOW! That sounds like the exact one that my daughter camped out @ 9 last night and got for me this morning! Great kids we got!

Only problem is, my son bought THIS computer for himself. His died a couple of months ago. My OS system crashed and I had to install a new one this week so we both got new computers (sorta, in my case.) My son lives with us and we have a home network and will have access to his if I need it, but I'm HAPPY with my comp at present.

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Kingdoms RAGE and go to war...but the PEasants plant potatoes..

EARTH FIRST! (we'll strip-mine the OTHER planets later.)
Tina #154593 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by jonni13
I saw a 'magic bullet' once. It was in a VERY adult store.

lol lol lol

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#154603 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 05:43 PM
Magic bullets, I've watched that on tv...thought it was cool but since I don't really cook I doubut I'd use it much. But it sure does a lot.

Nana, did you get the $25 Lexmark all in one with the card slots? That's what I got today---installing it now...figured since ink costs about that much I may as weel upgrade my old lexmark all in one is twice the size of this new one. lol

COOOOOOL, Diane on getting out of bed and going and getting that TV that's awesome...such a great deal!

And Carol---very happy you went and enjoyed it....isn't it fun in a crazy sorta way? Cindy doesn't know what she's missing. lol

Uploading videos very soon---I feel like a zombie.

Oh and Thorny I saw that computer deal at best buy.....I was amazed that you got that computer and and all in one printer for that price. Glad he got it...I'd camp out all night for that deal if I needed one.

#154608 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 06:22 PM
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I would rather spend the extra money than do deal with all those crazies.

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#154615 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 07:02 PM
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uhhhhhhhh - are you calling loz, her mom, and Carol and her Valarie, and Thorny's son, and Mel's daughter ... CRAZIES??????? lol why

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#154619 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 07:35 PM
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why notme

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#154641 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by afgreyparrot
Reading back, it looks like that could have happened... notme

Naw it surely that did not/could not have happened- nono-we were all just confused, huh??? egad

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #154654 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 09:57 PM
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Hey ,,, you didn't call me crazy! tears I am just as crazy as the rest of them- I was out in 20* snowing weather at 5am shopping too!

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Nana's15 #154656 Nov 23rd, 2007 at 10:06 PM
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My son is DEFINITELY crazy, sitting in mid 20 degree Fahrenheit weither with a 20mph (32kph) wind blowing. from 5:00 PM until 5:00 AM.. He said there was a bunch of very nice Japanese taking around cups of Saki to everybody......and I DIDN'T go! badday boohoo

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Kingdoms RAGE and go to war...but the PEasants plant potatoes..

EARTH FIRST! (we'll strip-mine the OTHER planets later.)
#154679 Nov 24th, 2007 at 05:51 AM
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Glad to hear that everyone got what they wanted.....and some.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Sunflowers #154693 Nov 24th, 2007 at 08:23 AM
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OOOPS! Sorry about that Nana!
You and Carrie are MOST DEFINITELY among the craziest of the crazies out there! touched lol neenee

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Photobucket won't let me load up my videos, it gets to about 50 percent and stops.....WAHHHH, is there another good video site I can use????

I got tons of stuff yesterday, but the thing I was happiest about was my new printer and the $3 movies I got for Mark. thumbup

Pretty much totally done my shopping now.

#154786 Nov 24th, 2007 at 08:31 PM
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We went shopping yesterday in Isle of Palms and North Charleston, SC and it wasn't crowded at all. I bought a pair of pants - not on sale. We didn't see a lot of stuff on a great sale.

#154883 Nov 25th, 2007 at 05:09 AM
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Originally Posted by loz

Pretty much totally done my shopping now.

Ya right, and we believe you too grin

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Sunflowers #154934 Nov 25th, 2007 at 09:35 AM
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Thanks Lynne, always want to be part of the group ya know! Yes we are a couple of crazy people- we go out the day after Christmas too and get our wrapping paper- bows-cards..on sale so it can be packed away with the Christmas stuff...

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Sunflowers #154962 Nov 25th, 2007 at 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by tamara
Originally Posted by loz

Pretty much totally done my shopping now.

Ya right, and we believe you too grin

Ummm, Tamara shoot---I almost had myself convinced, guess I didn't fool you huh? lol neenee

Mark looked at his pile today and said---Loz, quit buying me stuff already! lol

My brother went up to the present room yesterday, took one look and said---you have a problem! haha

Gonna try uploading my BF video clips again today!

#154982 Nov 25th, 2007 at 11:21 AM
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haha neenee

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Sunflowers #155042 Nov 25th, 2007 at 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by tamara
I want to hear all about the shopping today.

I'm sure Loz has on her ball cap and is raring through. lol

Hi Tamara I have been exhausted since my daughter took me shopping on Black Friday. We didn't hit usual stores but went to craft stores and I found 3 different cloth with birds on them to use on my bird quilt i am trying to make. Finding the cloth with birds the right size is the hardest part. lol So I was very happy to find them flwr Now to find time to quilt why didn't buy anything for anyone else though. I do a lot of homemade gifts.


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I am strong when I am on your shoulders, you raised me up to be more than I can be.
Very cool Ladyslipper!!!!

I'm uploading my videos now and will put them in a seperate topic so I don't clog up this post with video clips that people might now want to see.

#155185 Nov 26th, 2007 at 08:09 AM
Well I am one of those crazies!!! I was up at 4 ready real quick and my mom and I headed out! I got so much stuff! I posted some of this in the BF topic but my mom and I had the car so full I don't think we could have fit another thing in there. I got lots of movies for Tristen and some for my self that we really cheap. We were at Target and they had 3.98 and 5.98 movies. I didn't get the sewing machine at Wal-Mart but there was a Singer at Target for $65 and my mom got me that for Christmas. I got James some thick socks (don't really know what they are called) at Scheels for 99 cents a pair. The regular price on those were 5.99 a pair. I got 3 - 2 packs of Ralph Lauren pillows at Herberger's for 12.97 a pack and they were normally 49.99. I got a 3 handset cordless phone at Target for $44. I also got one for James' parents because their answering machine quit working on theirs and it was time for a new one. I got way more than just that but I can't think of everything right now. lol We shopped for hours and then went to Perkins for breaksfast. It was a good day and I spent LOTS of money!!! Now I am broke! lol

#155211 Nov 26th, 2007 at 12:07 PM
Ahhhh, I wish we had a target--I really want a 3 set cordless phone system...the one I have now is only 2 and I wanted the 3 set one so I could put a phone in the basement.

It sounds like you did super Jess.....I was up at 3:30 and at moms by 4:15.....we shopped from 4:30 to about 10:30 I think, so that's a good solid 6 hours of early shopping. lol

I bet you can't wait to get that sewing machine huh? lol

We stopped at Burger King to eat, I had coupons for buy one breakfast sandwich get one free....we each ate two, we were starving. lol

#155518 Nov 27th, 2007 at 07:51 AM
I was starving too! Shopping takes a lot out of a person! lol

I am excited to get the sewing machine. I wish my mom would just give it to me right now since I already know what I am getting. But...I guess I can wait till Christmas. I'm trying to decide what I am going to try to make first. I haven't used a sewing machine in a looooong time! I guess I will have to buy some supplies.

We did get a lot of good deals. I don't remember them all to list them but we did good.

How did it go with your sister shopping with you?

#155757 Nov 28th, 2007 at 04:28 AM
It was great, I thought she'd be slow and whiney...maybe not quick enough you know? Me and mom zip around fast, we don't dilly dally on Black Friday. I think she really enjoyed it.

OMG, I haven't sewed since Home Ec. in 8th grade, we had to make Jam Shorts, those longer funky patterened shorts and mine were TERRIBLE....I think I got a C on them, got the pocket sewed on the back but never hemmed them out....Sewing was not a friend of mine. lol

I'm telling you, by the time we sat down to eat my stomach was ready to eat itself I was so starving.... lol

#155762 Nov 28th, 2007 at 04:32 AM
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Valarie & I sat in the parking lot of fazoli's and waited for them to open (10:30) so we kinda had pasta for breakfast--but then we were good to go for the rest of the day!!! I got my cell phone anntena replaced too-- I had yanked it off--bad bad carol nono

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #155765 Nov 28th, 2007 at 04:34 AM
lol YUM, Italian is my favorite ever!!!!

I'm glad you went out this year Carol is a nice tradition, I'm always so excited on Thanksgiving I can barely stand it. lol Now it's all over for another year. boohoo

#155881 Nov 28th, 2007 at 10:15 AM
But it comes around fast Loz! thumbup But I know what you mean because I get sad when Christmas is done. It is my favorite holiday and it is sad when it is done for another year. We prepare for it for so long and in a day it is done! Kind of like a wedding I guess. lol lol

Italian is my favorite food too! We had breakfast at Perkins. That was good too.

That is great that your sister kept up with your and your mom and had a good time! Maybe she will go with you every year now?!?

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