I started a kalanchoe(sp?) plant from a small clipping about 4 years ago. It has done beautifully and has tripled in size. I live in Ohio, so around late May--early June I take it outside and leave it until around the middle of September. It's not doing very well at all now that I've brought it back inside. The leaves are turning brown and falling off. Yesterday I noticed what looks like spider webs forming from the stem to several of the leaves.
Does anyone know what this is---and if so---how to remedy it before I lose the plant?
Wish I could help you with this one dcamp, I do agree with Jiffymouse it does sound like spider mits.
Have you ever used a soap spray on any of your plants. Just regular dish washing soap mixed with water. I've heard that it works sometimes. Never tried it myself though.
Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
I have had to use it twice on my Jersulem Cherry. The first time I took a dampcloth & wiped the leaves with soapy water--which is the prescribed method I believe. but as there are so many leaves I ended up just spraying soapy water on the tops & undersides of the leaves. It has worked well.=--
I did manually remove a great number of the white sacs.(wiped them away)--i do not know if that was necessary though--I think the soap spray would have destroyed them (?)
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
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