Hello from quebc province,
first and foremost i d like to welcome you to the site where you make a lot of friend , share a lot of good advice( gardening or not ) and where everybody know s your name. hope you ll like it and stay with us for a long time, the site is already i think something like 10 yrs., i m here for about the last 3 yrs and i love it.
i ve got a feeling we re gonna talk
roses this summer.i ve got a few rosebush, just about 5 but my yard is not really that big, the pool taking a good part of the space.
it is a nice job you have, keep up the good work , we need you...job and gardningwise.
well hope to talk to you soon and i again welcome you to the family.
Bonne journee...have a good day !!
Cccrazzzzzzyyy Franny.