I will try some Siberians ........ Loz an Suzy .thanks I have those..
Look at my list please.
february 2008 list
Feverfew white begonia short pink morning glory mix sunspot morning glory hardy hibiscus single white datura/purple tint varigated kiss me over garden gate jewels of Opar love lies bleeding kiss me over garden gate regular cleomes blue flax stella d ore lily cassia alata varigated thistle lavendar devils claws lady in red salvia blackberry lilys calla lily jasamie.not sure of this guy..
Is this where we list what we HAVE or what we want to try?
And Dodge, I sent you a PM yesterday.. did you get it??
yes. this section. you can post a total list, or just one by one, like if you have loads of something to get rid of, or something you really, really want.
1 mystery seed packet - I have no idea what is in it. Aster Pompon Splendid Mixed - Half hardy annual Amaryllis seeds - 5 years to first bloom Aster Starlight Mixed Colors Aster Powder Puff mix Alonsoa Meridianalis (probably foreign name for plant) Allium "Globemaster" Balsam Balloon flower Basil, Cinnamon Bellflower purple Birdhouse gourd Blanket flower Blackberry lily Blackeyed susan Indian Blanket Blue cap sea holly butterfly weed orange carrot danvers half long Catalpa celosia mixed cilantro Cleome "rose queen" Cleome purple Pink cypress vine Datura purple for-get-me-not kiss me over the garden gate knautia "burgundy wine" Liatris Love lies bleeding Purple majesty millet Money plant Malva "zebrina" Marigold calendula "snowman" color pale cream Oriental red poppy Banana peppers Pink peony poppy Red peony poppy petunia wave petunias Rattlebox, yellow Rubus something I can't make out rose Mallon (?) Laratera again questionable spelling I can't see the tag well even with my glasses smooth rose rosa blanda squash "mother hubbard" Sweet Pea Perennial Tickseed Verbascom "milkshake" yellow tomatillo yucca
And that is what I have. The problem is that I am moving. So I don't really want anyone to send me seeds or cuttings now. But when I get to the new place I'll definitely be looking for lots and lots of things. Since I am assuming I'll be starting my garden from scratch. So if you are willing to hold off sending your trade for 3 months I'll be happy to send you your selection now so you can get it in the ground.
wonder if u could send me some Feverfew and Calla lilyseeds...
n... Allium Globemaster, Bellflower and Cilantro seeds.... emmm i may not b able to succeed with d allium and bellflower...but wanna try...i'll prechill d seeds in d fridge first for abt 3 weeks..then i'll try to germinate 'em...
Thanx zillions...n have a nice day!
i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows, i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
She said that is why she was sending out the seeds.. So she doesnt have to carry them ?????/ Beats me when?? DIdnt say. Now Cindy aka afgreyparrot just came home from the hospital.. yesterday. Dont know what she had but she is back and were pleased to see her .
Is school finished there now? Or is this a break for you ?
Had a short break abt two weeks ago... but at the moment we r conducting mid-semester exams...d finals r just around d corner...then a long break in May....
well...i hope to one of these days...
u said Cindy just came home from hospital..? Why..? i do hope she's fine now...!!
i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows, i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
I don't have a moving date yet. I sent the seeds now so you all would have a chance to plant the seeds this year rather than waiting until next year to plant. I have until the end of May in my current place and hope I'll find a place before then so I don't have to double move. But so far I haven't. Please cross your fingers for me.
Good Heavens CIndy , I didnt remember your were to. What can I give you of mine?
I have plentiful. Thanks , I will watch for it . I thought my Helleborous had died, which I got from Gurenys and I wrote and told them. THey give you replacements if they dont grow. They shipped some yesterday. Guess what , All three of my last years Helleborous came up yesterday.
Enrique, I haven't send your seeds out year, so I'll put a packet of snapdragons in
Helping the world one seed at a time
When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. Mary Ann LaPensee
Don't worry about it Enrique, the seeds are packed and will go into the mail box on my way to school tomorrow
Helping the world one seed at a time
When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. Mary Ann LaPensee
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