I enjoy taking nature type pics. I guess its just a strange interest I have

Anyway, I try to grow
flowers which attract pollinators and in turn that attract carnivorous "bugs". Here are some pics I have taken, I hope you enjoy
This is a Monarch Butterfly caterpillar. I actually witnessed the adult laying eggs on my Milkweed plants. I have mixed feelings about this. While I want to encourage butterflies, I really dont want them to eat all my plants LOL. I only noticed 2 caterpillars so I am leaving them there but I am keeping close tabs on them!
Here is a different Crab Spider doing....you guessed it!!! Eating my butterflies LOL
flower pics
These are Ambush Bugs. Really cool little insects that also like to eat bees and butterflies
Check this out!! This is yet another Misumena misumenops on a Butterfly Bush. I guess this species is not able to turn purple so it changed to a white color. Too cool!!
Another visitor to the Milkweed. It better be very careful!! These
flowers can be a tad dangerous LOL
This Skipper Butterfly is feeding, it also better be careful or it will become the food!
Check this out!! The white Crab Spider found some lunch!!
Lets see that again from a different angle!
A little orange visitor