I haven't said much about the PDCP for a few days, but not because there was nothing happening with the project...
For the past few weeks I have spent 10-12 hours
every single day working on the data base. This part of the process began with me dissecting every garden plant directory on the Garden Helper and compiling
a really long list of plants. The list kept
growing from that point on, so I had to break it up into six smaller lists from which I have been editing individual plant profiles.
The edits varied depending on what was already on-site, but included short descriptions, adding the "Plant Care Icons" and searching through over seventy thousand photos for good identification images of the plants. Merme helped out a bunch by researching and listing all the
flower colors for every plant in the list so I could add that feature as well.
To prevent insanity, I have been hopping between the different jobs involved in putting this together. (You can only sort through photos, or do html coding, or researching for so long, before your brain pops...)
I still have more profiles to edit and photos to find, but I have finally reached a point that I can begin to put all the collected data back onto the directories where they began. ( i.e.
Hummingbird flowers and
perennial plants for partial shade etc.) The unveiling of the first of the new Garden Helper directories will begin to appear in the next few days. It will take quite a while to complete this stage and even longer to put all of the available data into other new 'data' pages that I need to make....
Someday, when I get caught up again, I will begin adding more plants to the PDCP but for today
this is how our [b]P[/b]lant [b]D[/b]ata [b]C[/b]ollection [b]P[/b]roject stands... 
Time to go back to work now, but I wanted to let you know what I have been up to....