We moved into our new location after planting season last year so I didn't get to plant my own garden here. I dug it in the fall time and came across more than one cutworm. Also some of the potted plants I brought over from our old house got leveled like someone took the scissors to them. I never actually seen what did this? It could have been climbing cut worms who like the tops of plants and flowers and leave the stem. They had the appearance that someone snipped the tops off and very evenly. This happened to me in the past as well, I see the flowers/leaves and tops gone, but I never see anything on the ground, no leaves or mess, it's just gone.

Guess it could be a job of a rabbit as well but they would have had to stretch over my flower bins and pots to get to the pots. I did see a baby rabbit in the yard. The pots were a foot to 2-3 feet off the ground.

I don't know what I'm going to come across this spring when planting starts in May, but if any of you know of natural deterrents or preventatives, I would be happy to apply them and learn of them before growing season begins. I was thinking to mix a flower and vegetable garden together, tall flowers on the sides, vegetables in the center. Thank you.