From what I can gather from some of the posts, once you lay sod, St.Augustine in my case, it is almost impossible to get phosphorus down to the roots to lower the PH level of the soil. I understand that I need to put sulphur on it too. Is there a site where it will tell me what and how much to put down for sodded grass? I found tidbits on it here and there, but nothing that shows what combination I can put down together. Can I put superphosphate and sulphur together for example? Will this burn the grass?
Have you taken a soil sample and sent it to your local university coop? Once you do that you will get back a report of what amendments you need to add and how much. Then with a phone call to their office the master gardener can answer all of your questions. The service is free unless you want extended tests which you won't need at this point. That's the best way to do it.
I'm sorry you layed the sod before amending the soil. That's always a problem and something I do all the time. Which probably explains why I loose about half of the plants I plant.
St Augustine grass is sensitive to iron deficiency and readily develops chlorotic symptoms in alkaline or iron deficient soils. This deficiency can be corrected with foliar applications, iron sulfate or iron chelate.
Newly planted St Augustine sod will respond to phosphorous fertilizers in terms of an increased rate of spread. Potassium has been shown to increase root growth, cold tolerance and drought tolerance in St Augustine grass.
So long as fertility and drainage are adequate, St Augustine grass tolerates a wide range of soil types. St Augustine grass grows satisfactorily at a pH range from 5.0 to 8.5, but develops a chlorotic appearance in highly alkaline soils (above pH 7.5). It does not tolerate compacted or waterlogged soil conditions.
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