I decided to try my hand at container gardening this year, for my first attempt at growing vegetables and flowers. I planted bok choy, carrots, and marigolds in a 12-in round, 14-in deep plastic container, with premium potting soil and long-release fertilizer. The book I was using to know how to do all this recommended that if I wanted to plant carrots, to mix them with 1 part carrot seeds to 3 part bok choy seeds and then scatter them over the soil where I wanted them.
I probably scattered about 2 teaspoons of carrot and bok choy seeds, at least, on one half of the pot, reserving the other half for marigolds. The bok choy sprang up within 5 days. However they are coming up really, really densely!
After some research, I see that I really only need two bok choy plants, at most, for the space I have. Eek! Currently, at least 30 baby seedlings are growing.

Is there any way I can replant/ save the baby seedlings? I know I can thin the bok choy by cutting the seedlings off at the base, but I'd rather be able to grow them, if possible. Any advise is very appreciated!
- Matthew13_23

Matthew 13:23 But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. (NIV)