About a year ago I purchased a meyer lemon tree. After I brought it inside in the fall it started losing some leaves. At first i attributed this to getting less light, colder temps, etc. However, I started noticing that it was starting to take longer and longer for the soil to dry between waterings. I use a hydrometer, and normally water it when it gets to dry about 2 inches below the surface. Previously this was about once a week. Recently it was still Wet after 2 weeks. I had already tried things i had found online such as putting it in a warmer location with good airflow, checking the drain holes to make sure they're not obstructed, putting holes down in the soil with a piece of wire to improve airflow, etc.
I decided it was time to repot with some better draining soil. When I dislodged the tree from it's pot I noticed that it does't seem to have a lot of roots (not nearly as much as my calamondon orange tree). What roots it does have are slightly brown as well. I loosened all of the dirt from the roots and repotted it in a
cactus\citrus potting mix, and added extra perlite. The pot has plenty of drainage holes. I put it in the warmest spot in our house with decent light. After 2 weeks the hydrometer is still reading Wet. I also repotted my orange at the same time and it needed watered yesterday.
What is going on? Why can't I get this plant to drain?