I've had a pond for many years, mostly for the birds. But this year I bought a water
lily, star grass and a water canna. And my pond had been getting mossier and mossier and slimy green! So today we drained and scrubbed the sides and rocks and bird bath to get rid of the green and re-filled, luckily with the rain water that had collected in our water catching barrels. So, we had snails galore...and millions of tiny pockets (size of half a green pea or smaller)of this slimy clear stuff. The "stuff" was actually sticky to whatever they were stuck on. So we scrubbed everything, to get rid of the "stuff". Any ideas of what that was?? My DH thought it might be snail eggs?
Could I have brought home snails from one of the nurseries I bought my plants from? thanks for thoughts and help