So, this was in my front yard when my rental company decided to landscape. They ripped it up and I salvaged it (like a little psycho digging it out where the tractor dug). It was really thick and pretty, but now it's kind of sad looking.
First, I think my dirt sucks. I'm getting some perlite and sphagnum this week for my VFT's so I'm going to get it different medium and mix with perlite for better drainage. The stuff in there is kind of hard - but it's what it was
growing in originally.
Second, I'm not sure if it's over watered or under watered. I keep it "moist" and in my kitchen, so it's not drying out fast that I can tell. But the leaves are dying back on the stems. I recently pruned all the dead stuff off of it - I hope this helps.
Any other ideas on what might be wrong with it?
Also, the landscapers dug up a ton of variegated Hosta's. I replanted them in the back yard, which is full sun as opposed to my north facing front yard they came from. Now they are no longer variegated? Just solid green? Is that normal?
I'm moving fairly soon and intend on digging them up and bringing them indoors in the next month or so to acclimate them before I move. Any suggestions there?
Thanks :)