I'm not a late sleeper. I usually wake around 6:30 or 7. Plus my children start texting me early because their children get up. It's nice not to have to go to work though.
I usually get up early but not because I chose to but because i am always doing something for someone else (usually my MIL). The last time I "was" going to get to sleep in, at 8 am I got a phone call from a person where my MIL lives because 24 hours previously the DR called them & no one ever returned his call. I figure she was calling just so I would have to wake up--
--because if she had waited 24 hours, one more would not have mattered--and she was only telling me the call back would not happen until 10am----so basically I could have been left to sleep.
I have often wished someone would hire me so my life would slow down, because believe me it would...(and so I would actually have some money) :wink: But apparently, I am either too old or I interview poorly.
night night everyone---I am heading to bed soon