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#377228 Sep 24th, 2013 at 10:22 AM
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So, I have Peace Lilies, Lucky Bamboo, a Money Tree, Polkadot plants and Spider plants. All of them were in straight miracle grow soil.

The spider and polka dot plants have been declining since I potted them in the spring, and after some research, I found that the best mix for all those plants, is a bit of potting soil, a bit of peat/sphagnum mix, pearlite (and a bit of Orchid bark for the money tree too.) So, that's what I did. I repotted 23 pots today in that mix.

Now, I have people telling me that I've just committed all my plants to death, because Miracle grow is mostly peat, so now they are living in just peat and pearlite.

The reason I switched, is because the straight miracle grow was causing root rot from water retention and compaction. I put in the peat/sphagnum and pearlite for better aeration and drainage, and then put some of the potting mix back in, for nutrients.

PLEASE tell me I didn't just kill all of my house plants!!! I tried several sites, and they all suggested a 1/3 soil, 1/3 pearlite, 1/3 peat mix!!! I really can't afford to buy anymore soil mixes at the moment, and reeeeally don't want to repot 23 pots AGAIN!

Thanks for any advice.

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Holly12 #377234 Sep 24th, 2013 at 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Holly12
So, I have Peace Lilies, Lucky Bamboo, a Money Tree, Polkadot plants and Spider plants

PLEASE tell me I didn't just kill all of my house plants!!! I tried several sites, and they all suggested a 1/3 soil, 1/3 pearlite, 1/3 peat mix!!! I really can't afford to buy anymore soil mixes at the moment, and reeeeally don't want to repot 23 pots AGAIN

Thanks for any advice.

The Peace Lily: I think it will be fine--- a potting mix of peat, perlite and rotted bark with for container plants is recommended, but yours is a good mix. I suggest that you water sparingly---ie: wait until the leaves begin to droop. Also, they like shaded areas, so no direct sun.

I have mine planted in Miracle grow, and tend to water about once every week or 10 days. BUT I do not water it a lot-- Mine is back to the right of my west facing glass sliding doors & it is growing well.

Lucky Bamboo
One can grow lucky bamboo in water if they prefer, (Mine had been in water for over 6 months and is growing like a weed) but they also will do well in a well drained soil. Once again your mix sounds as if it will be fine. Keep the soil moist but not soggy--this will cause root rot. They also like low & indirect light. The bamboo is a tropical plant and cannot tolerate low temps below 50*F

Money Tree
These plants prefer a medium indirect light. But can tolerate full sun or shade, but not as a steady diet. They too prefer well drained soil, such as cacti mix, but your mix should be fine. If it does at some point seem to be too wet, thusly not draining well, you can always add a bit more perlite or some sand (if you have it) to the exsisting pot mix. this will help with extra good drainage & will keep the soil from compacting.

Water this plant only when the soil is dry say 1 inch down (stick your finger down into the soil) if the leaves seem dry you need to water more, & if the leaves curl you need to cut back on the watering.

Polkadot plants This plant likes a light fast draining soil----and once again I think you will be fine.
These plants prefer a bright light. if you keep it in a poor lighted area, you will begin to get solid green leaves.--(this is how you can tell) The brighter the light the deeper the color will become. These plants prefer a moist soil in the summer months but then when they seem to be just setting (they are in their dormat phase) & you should water less. When they once again begin to set leaves, you can resume your regular watering schedule.

Spider plants

Spider plants are acid loving plants,and the types of soils designed for azaleas would work well. But a mix such as you have made will work also, as these plants also prefer good drainage. As to watering, do so when the soil is dry say 1 inch down, perhaps water once a week. They like bright, natural light, but not direct light (keep these plants away from being in direct window light. if the tips of the leaves turn brown, it could be from the type of water that is used, (the chemicals) or it could be from not enough water---try using distilled or water that has set for 24 hours first.

For right now, I think you should just let your plants become adjusted to their new homes. Good luck & keep us posted.

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Holly12 #377245 Sep 25th, 2013 at 09:06 AM
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Thank you SOOOOO much!!! I feel a million times better!!! Everything I'd read said the mix I made is fine, but then people started saying it was bad. I will keep you posted for sure!! grin

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Holly12 #377247 Sep 25th, 2013 at 10:06 AM
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The way I see it is this:

All of your plants need well draining soil, which you have provided (now please tell me they are in pots with drain holes)

and as long as you meet their light requirmetns, I think everything will be fine.

as for fertilizer---you can read up on that for each individual plant, or you can do as I usually do, I buy a fertilizer that one can add with every watering & then I use it at 1/2 strength. Then too if your soils have added fertilizer you are also good to go that way, & you do not have to worry about fertilizer for the t ime stated on the package.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
Holly12 #377329 Sep 26th, 2013 at 11:00 AM
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Yes, I have all of them in pots with either drainage holes, or I have poked holes in them. I have 1-2 pots that I haven't poked holes in, but they have an elevated part in the pot, where water can drain away from the roots.

Thanks so much for your help! I really feel a lot better now! I have an Anthurium I got a few weeks ago, but I haven't re-potted it yet. I figured I'd wait until it needs a bigger pot, as it's in a nice decorative one at the moment - the plastic one it's in fits into the decorative one, and I'd like to keep it in that for a while. I'll research soils for that plant for when I do go to re-pot it. :)

Chihuahuas are like potato chips - you can't have just one!
Holly12 #377331 Sep 26th, 2013 at 11:05 AM
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Sounds like you have a good handle on it----do come back & let us know how everything is going.

BTW: if you wish, look down & find "Banter Hall" & "The Coffee House with the largest number" we all meet down there & chat about our lives & such---

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #377860 Oct 18th, 2013 at 04:24 AM
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If you've been researching soil for potted plants, you know that there are dozens of mixes.

Some people always use Miracle Gro, some people are convinced it kills plants. Some people use soil from the garden, others know that would be sure death. Some use mix that is mostly peat, some use mix that is all crushed stone and bark --- in other words, there is no such thing as the "correct" soil for any (or all) plants.

I believe the crucial factor is water; or said another way, soil moisture. The bottom line is that soil that stays too wet for too long will cause roots to rot, hence plants to die. You can use almost any kind of potting medium if you are observant, let your plants teach you what they need, and learn to test the soil for moisture. Here's a video that tells a little about that.

Holly12 #396749 Aug 23rd, 2017 at 10:40 PM
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Polka dot plants are not especially difficult to grow, and their main drawback is their relatively short lifespan. After flowering, the plant will likely become dormant or die outright.

""These are not especially challenging plants to grow and will thrive in a grouping of other plants. They do appreciate occasional misting to raise the ambient humidity and you should pinch off shoots that reach 15" inches or so.

This will encourage bushiness and keep the plant in a more manageable form. Left unpruned, the plant will grow into a small, loose shrub of about two feet.

When it does flower, the flowers are insignificant lavender blooms that are produced from spikes. Pinch these off to prolong the plant's vitality, and flowering often seems to mark the beginning of the end for these plants.

Lastly, watch out for scale, whitefly, and aphids on these plants and treat at the very first sign of infestation."""

JunieGirl #398901 Apr 17th, 2018 at 08:10 PM
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I never feed house plants with miracle gro. Some potting soils have it in them. But adding more is too strong for the tiny roots..........

dodge thinks so.

Howdy Carol....your friend (dodge) or barb or buscia is back on under a newbie look.
wee just like being home again.

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Hello Dodge... wavy VERY HAPPY to have you back....what do we call you now... why shewinks

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
Holly12 #399238 May 14th, 2018 at 07:13 AM
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DODGe works fine.LOL
I will arm wrestle Cindy any day.

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Dodge it is !

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
Holly12 #399707 Jun 27th, 2018 at 04:51 AM
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Try not to over water your plants and keep at least twice in the sunshine. Always check the moisture level with your hand. Then your plants will thrive.

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