Yesterday I repotted my Dracaena Marginata from a 10" pot into 12.5". Being a newbie to plants , I perhaps haven't done things the right way- its a plant I love so want to make sure I've done things correctly
The leaves had become droopy, the soil constantly dry even after I watered it , plus roots were coming out of the bottom so it was definitely needing a new pot ( I think)
So when I took it out of its old pot and into the new , I put about 3 inches worth of soil underneath but what I didn't do was loosen the roots , I just put it into the new pot and put soil around the sides and on the top.
Really worried it's going to die now because I didn't loosen its roots. I did this yesterday , my question is do I take it out of the pot again and re-do it properly and loosen the roots?
Your advice is much appreciated.